Topics in agricultural entomology - XIII
Publicação 12 de setembro de 2022.
The Graduate Program in Agronomy (Agricultural Entomology) at the UNESP Faculty of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences in Jaboticabal has always been characterized by its focus on Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Since its foundation, the program has graduated 287 students with a master’s degree and 148 Ph.D. students. They are now active in various areas of the public or private sector and contribute to agriculture’s economic and environmental sustainability.
This e-book entitled “Topics in Agricultural Entomology - XIII” was made possible through the immense effort of the Organizing Committee, formed by MSc and Ph.D. students from all research areas of our Graduate Program. In its 14 chapters, readers will find information on the most diverse areas of IPM, with a richness of information on both the fundamental and applied aspects of IPM.
As coordinator of the 2022 edition of the Winter Workshop on Agricultural Entomology, it is my pleasure to provide event attendees with an e-book of excellent content, demonstrating the importance of our research to society.
Prof. Ricardo Antônio Polanczyk
PPG Entomologia Agrícola Coordinator
Topics in agricultural entomology - XIII
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.443220109
ISBN: 978-65-258-0544-3
Palavras-chave: 1. Agricultura; I. Nascimento, Joacir do (Organizador); II. Rocha, Claudiane Martins da (Organizadora); III. Nascimento, Daniel Dalvan do (Organizador); IV. Título.
Ano: 2022
- Aimée Regali Seleghim
- Amanda Cristiane Queiroz Motta
- Amanda Cristina Guimarães Sousa
- Ana Beatriz Dilena Spadoni
- Ana Letícia Zéro dos Santos
- Brenda Karina Rodrigues da Silva
- Bruno Henrique Sardinha de Souza
- Ciro Pedro Guidotti Pinto
- Claudiane Martins da Rocha
- Dagmara Gomes Ramalho
- Daniel Júnior de Andrade
- David Luciano Rosalen
- Edicleide Macedo da Silva
- Edimar Peterlini
- Érica Ayumi Taguti
- Fabiana Santana Machado
- Gabriel Gonçalves Monteiro
- Gabriela Lara Leite Alcalde
- Gabriela Pelegrini
- Guilherme Duarte Rossi
- Ivana Lemos Souza
- Iwlianny Luiza Pereira dos Santos
- João Rafael Silva Soares
- Joice Mendonça de Souza
- Lana Leticia Barbosa de Carvalho
- Letícia Barbosa de Lacerda
- Lorena Tozi Bombonato
- Marcelle Bezerra Silva
- Marcelo Coutinho Picanço
- Marcelo da Costa Ferreira
- Márcio Aparecido de Melo
- Maria Thalia Lacerda Siqueira
- Marina Guimarães Brum de Castro
- Matheus Cardoso de Castro
- Matheus Moreira Dantas Pinto
- Mayara Moledo Picanço
- Morgana Baptista Gimenes
- Nayma Pinto Dias
- Nicole de Paula Souza
- Nilza Maria Martinelli
- Odair Aparecido Fernandes
- Pedro Gomes Peixoto
- Pedro Henrique Urach Ferreira
- Pedro Henrique Vasques Bocalini
- Pedro Luiz Martins Soares
- Ricardo Antonio Polanczyk
- Ricardo Antônio Polanczyk
- Ricardo Siqueira da Silva
- Sabrina Juvenal de Oliveira
- Sandy Sousa Fonsêca
- Sergio Antonio De Bortoli
- Sergio Antônio De Bortoli
- Thaynara Arantes Soares Junqueira
- Thiago Nascimento de Barros
- Vinícius Ferraz Nascimento
- Yasmin Esteves Izidro
- Quality Control in Mass Rearing of Insects
- Conservation Practices for Maintenance of Natural Enemies in Agroecosystems
- Implementation challenges of integrated pest management programs in agricultural systems
- Landscape structure and insect pest management
- Technological innovations applied to insect pest management
- Good practices in agricultural spraying for pest management
- Resistance of citrus pest mites to acaricides
- Challenges in insect pest management in sugarcane crop
- Selectivity of insecticides and bioinsecticides to commercially used parasitoids of Diatraea saccharalis on sugarcane
- Integrated management strategies for key pests of coffee crop
- Challenges of Digital Agriculture in Pest Management
- Use of remote sensing to identify and manage nematodes in soybean crops
- Endophytic entomopathogenic microorganisms in pest management
- Bacillus thuringiensis Cry pesticidal proteins sublethal effects on target Lepidoptera and their impact on the agroecosystem