Landscape structure and insect pest management
Landscape, which refers to the spatial arrangement of natural, semi-natural, and anthropic elements, as well as their interactions, can provide a series of ecosystem services, such as soil nutrient cycling, plant pollination, water conservation, and natural control of pests (Metzger, 2001; Power, 2010). These services are essential for humans and the maintenance of biodiversity (Woltz; Isaacs & Landis, 2012; Duarte et al., 2018). However, the landscape configuration can influence the availability and interaction between these multiple services (Rieb & Bennett, 2020).
Landscape structure and insect pest management
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.4432201094
Palavras-chave: Atena Editora
Keywords: Atena Editora
Atena Editora
Número de páginas: 20
- Ricardo Antonio Polanczyk
- João Rafael Silva Soares
- Sabrina Juvenal de Oliveira
- Thaynara Arantes Soares Junqueira
- Marina Guimarães Brum de Castro
- Yasmin Esteves Izidro
- Odair Aparecido Fernandes