Artigo - Atena Editora


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Conservation Practices for Maintenance of Natural Enemies in Agroecosystems

Conventional agriculture has greatly impacted several agroecosystems due to improper management and constant, often indiscriminate, agrochemical applications. These products usually drastically reduce not only populations of insect pests but also their natural enemies, often causing imbalances and selective pressure for resistance in pest populations, also contributing to significant yield losses and negative impacts on the environment.

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Conservation Practices for Maintenance of Natural Enemies in Agroecosystems

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.4432201092

  • Palavras-chave: Atena Editora

  • Keywords: Atena Editora

  • Abstract:

    Atena Editora

  • Número de páginas: 22

  • Ricardo Antonio Polanczyk
  • Iwlianny Luiza Pereira dos Santos
  • Vinícius Ferraz Nascimento
  • Dagmara Gomes Ramalho
  • Letícia Barbosa de Lacerda
  • Márcio Aparecido de Melo
  • Pedro Gomes Peixoto
  • Sergio Antonio De Bortoli
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