Artigo - Atena Editora


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Challenges in insect pest management in sugarcane crop

The sugar and ethanol world market moved US$3.61 millions in 2019, with an estimated increase of 85% (US$6.70 millions) by 2027, being in this market Brazil stands out for being the world's largest producer of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) (Poaceae). According to the monitoring of the Brazilian sugarcane harvest by CONAB (2022), sugarcane production in the 2021/22 season totaled 585.2 millions tons, representing a volume of raw material 10.6% lower than the 2020/21 season. This reduction is due to a 3.5% decrease in cultivated area and, above all, adverse weather effects of drought during crop production cycle and low temperatures recorded in June and July 2021.

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Challenges in insect pest management in sugarcane crop

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.4432201098

  • Palavras-chave: Atena Editora

  • Keywords: Atena Editora

  • Abstract:

    Atena Editora

  • Número de páginas: 10

  • Ricardo Antonio Polanczyk
  • Aimée Regali Seleghim
  • Sergio Antônio De Bortoli
  • Dagmara Gomes Ramalho
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