Ebook - Health promotion and quality of life 2Atena Editora


1. Health. I. Oliveira, Alana Maria Cerqueira de (Organizer). II. Título.

capa do ebook Health promotion and quality of life 2

Health promotion and quality of life 2

Publicado em 24 de novembro de 2022.
The work "Health promotion and quality of life 2" published in e-book format, traces the reader to articles of relevant importance in the Health Promotion area. The main focus of this work is updating on the type of research that is currently being done in the area, discourse and scientific dissemination of national and international research, encompassing the different related areas.
According to the WHO, the definition of health corresponds to "a stage of physical, mental and social well-being and not only to the absence of diseases or illnesses. Currently it is evident or scientific progress in this area, or that it increases in importance and the need for updating and consolidation of concepts, techniques, procedures and themes.
The scientific research produced in various regions of the country is disclosed in the form of original articles and reviews covering the different fields within the area. Producing as well a multidisciplinary and transversal work that ranges from basic research to practical application.
The work was elaborated primarily with a focus on professionals, researchers and students of the Health area and bem be in their interfaces or related areas. Meanwhile, it is an interesting read for all those who are in some way interested in the area.
Each chapter was prepared with the purpose of transmitting scientific information in a clear and effective manner, in Portuguese or Spanish, in an accessible, concise and didactic language, attracting the reader's attention, regardless of their academic or professional interest.
The chapters of this work explain about: benefits of the use of Garcinia cambogia L., acute kidney injury, emaciation process, treatment of exstrophies of bexiga, management of two health service residues, POEMS syndrome, risk factors for thrombosis, pre -surgery, reduction of the incidence of HIV, diet rich in sucrose, mixture for mass without gluten and lactose, Jebsen and Taylor manual function test tool, therapeutics of depression, role of physical activity, fome and the impact of unemployment on health .
The book "Health promotion and quality of life 2", with current publications and Atena editora, has created a platform that offers an adequate, conducive and reliable structure for the scientific dissemination of various research areas.
A good reading to all!

Dra Alana Maria Cerqueira de Oliveira 

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Health promotion and quality of life 2

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.416222211

  • ISBN: 978-65-258-0741-6

  • Palavras-chave: 1. Health. I. Oliveira, Alana Maria Cerqueira de (Organizer). II. Título.

  • Ano: 2022


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