Artigo - Atena Editora


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Benefícios do uso da Garcinia cambogia como auxiliar no emagrecimento e a relevância de seus efeitos tóxicos

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.4162222111

  • Palavras-chave: Garcinia cambogia, ácido hidroxícitrico, efeitos, benefícios;

  • Keywords: Garcinia cambogia, hydroxycitric acid, effects, benefits;

  • Abstract:

    This article begins to portray in a descriptive way the importance and benefits of using the Garcinia cambogia plant, applying itself as an aid in the weight loss process, addressing the correct application, as well as its possible toxic effects when not used correctly. The relevance of this approach in this project is applied as essential to corroborate scientific data of an informative nature, attesting to the pharmacist's technical knowledge in the use of medicinal plants and generating understandable information for the present readers. Aiming to analyze and make understand the relevance of the application of Garcinia cambogia as an improving herbal medicine for weight loss and its effects, as well as its main chemical compositions and considerable to the anorexic effect. Being insightful the knowledge of the beneficial effects, as well as the adverse ones, their composition and interaction with other substances. This project intends to trace the paths aimed at a literature review based on the study of associated works from text analysis, seeing in itself its qualitative content present there. In addition, the article went on to prove its relevance to studies on the subject, as well as evidence of the improvements and advances that the same has taken place over time.

  • Luanna Fernandes Rodrigues de Melo Ferraz
  • José Edson de Souza Silva
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