Ebook - Health promotion and quality of lifeAtena Editora


1. Health. I. Silva Neto, Benedito Rodrigues da (Organizer). II. Título.

capa do ebook Health promotion and quality of life

Health promotion and quality of life

Publicado em 24 de agosto de 2022.

The current effort, present in the academic and scientific community, which aims to promote health is based not only on constitutional premises but also on the individual commitment of health professionals to offer mechanisms and subsidize strategies that provide quality of life to the population.

We know that in order to promote health in all its aspects, it is increasingly necessary to search for new diagnostic methodologies and tools for effective treatment in order to inhibit the progress of diseases in communities. Based on this principle, our intention is to provide the reader with material that is substantially grounded for the promotion of health in all its aspects, which will influence the development and increase in the life expectancy of individuals.

In an integrated and collaborative way, our proposal, supported by Atena Editora, offers the reader in this volume academic productions developed in the national territory covering information and scientific studies with an emphasis on health promotion in our Brazilian context.

The treatment, diagnosis and search for quality of life of the population were the main themes listed in the selection of the chapters of this volume, containing specifically descriptors from the different areas of medicine, with emphasis on concepts such as oral anticoagulation, gastrointestinal tract, spectrum disorder autistic, bioethics, fibula free flap, head and neck neoplasms, microsurgery, Palliative care, head and neck neoplasms, neck dissection, lymph node ratio, genital ulcers, sexually transmitted infections, evolutionary biology and epigenetics of non-communicable chronic diseases.

Finally, we emphasize that the availability of these data through a literature, rigorously evaluated, underlies the importance of solid and relevant communication in the medical area, so our work will provide the reader with data and concepts based in a concise and didactic way.

I wish you all an excellent reading!


Benedito Rodrigues da Silva Neto

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Health promotion and quality of life

  • DOI: 1. Health. I. Silva Neto, Benedito Rodrigues da (Organizer). II. Título.

  • ISBN: 978-65-258-0532-0

  • Palavras-chave: 1. Health. I. Silva Neto, Benedito Rodrigues da (Organizer). II. Título.

  • Ano: 2022

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