Revista - Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research v.2/n.16 (ISSN 2764-0973)Atena Editora

Revista - Edição

Ciências agrárias

capa do ebook Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research v.2/n.16 (ISSN 2764-0973)

Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research v.2/n.16 (ISSN 2764-0973)

Publicado em 01 de dezembro de 2022.

The Journal has Impact Factor Value of 0.471 based on International Citation Report (ICR) for the year 2021-2022. The URL for journal on our server is

Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research (2764-0973) is a journal of scientific dissemination edited by Atena Editora, whose mission is to disseminate the knowledge produced by the scientific community in the field of Agricultural Sciences. The journal aims to publish articles, written in Portuguese, English or Spanish, in the areas of Agronomy, Food Science, Agricultural Engineering, Forest Resources and Forest Engineering, Fisheries Resources and Fisheries and Animal Science Engineering, according to the areas of evaluation of the CAPES.

We accept texts in Portuguese, Spanish and English (up to 21,000 characters with space). Articles submitted in Portuguese will be translated into English and published in that language. For articles submitted in Spanish and English, there will be no translation into another language.

Submissions are in continuous flow and publication occurs within 30 days of submission and payment of the article processing fee.

This amount includes all the usual services in the publishing market, and more: Text translation into English, spelling and grammar proofing, standardization and copyediting.

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Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research v.2/n.16 (ISSN 2764-0973)

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.0973216220112

  • ISSN: 2764-0973

  • Palavras-chave: Ciências agrárias

  • Ano: 2022

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