Uma Conexão: Sequências e Fractais.
Uma Conexão: Sequências e Fractais.
Palavras-chave: Fractal. Sequências. Séries Numéricas. Triângulo de Sierpinsk. Curva de Koch.
Keywords: Fractal. Sequences. Numerical Series. Sierpinsk triangle. Koch curve.
Abstract: Fractals are geometric figures of extreme beauty that present repetitive patterns and are found in many cases in nature, such as in plants, trees, leaves, flowers, sea shells and others with interesting patterns that are sometimes complex to understand. This project seeks to find these patterns and study fractals to facilitate the study of numerical sequences through the identification of repetitive patterns. Through fractal analysis it is possible to identify patterns that repeat over time and that can be interpreted as indicators of the behavior of numerical sequences. Numerical sequences and numerical series are fundamental to mathematics and can be found in different areas of knowledge. Number sequences are used to describe a variety of mathematical processes through their behavior as they converge or diverge.
- Renan Alves Gomes
- Rosana Silva Bonfim