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capa do ebook The role of a multidisciplinary radiotherapy team in Sézary Syndrome and psychosocial vulnerability: a case report

The role of a multidisciplinary radiotherapy team in Sézary Syndrome and psychosocial vulnerability: a case report

The cancer diagnosis is a very delicate moment in a patient’s life. When psychosocial vulnerabilities are not properly fulfilled, the treatment continuity is prejudiced, showing the importance of a multidisciplinary team in assisting the patient. The aim of this resume is to report the case of a patient diagnosed with Sézary Syndrome. D.S.G., male, 30 years, resident of a city 500 kilometers away from Porto Alegre. Furthermore, the patient has a history of crack and cocaine addiction and was in treatment for depression in the last 6 years. D.S.G diagnosis of Sézary Syndrome was on may 2020, which is a rare and aggressive form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. By the time of this case report, D.S.G is hospitalized and under treatment in a radiation therapy unit. During nursing radiotherapy evaluation, the patient presented skin involvement throughout the body characterized by erythroderma with fissure areas, local bleeding and fetid odor. Due to the disseminated aspect of those skin lesions, the patient presents locomotion difficulty, intensive and constant pain, needing medications for algic control.

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The role of a multidisciplinary radiotherapy team in Sézary Syndrome and psychosocial vulnerability: a case report

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.39122280426

  • Palavras-chave: Multidisciplinary team; Oncology; Radiotherapy

  • Keywords: -

  • Abstract:


  • Número de páginas: 2

  • Nathally Marques Pulgatti
  • Andressa Camargo dos Santos
  • Andressa Karol Oliveira
  • Jéssica Brinkhus
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