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Stability and Regularity the MGT-Fourier Model with Fractional Coupling


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Stability and Regularity the MGT-Fourier Model with Fractional Coupling

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3742302082

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: -

  • Abstract:

    In this work, we study the stability and regularity of the system formed by
    the third-order vibration equation in Moore-Gilson-Thompson time coupled
    with the classical heat equation with Fourier’s law. We consider fractional
    couplings. He then fractional coupling is given by: ηAφ

    θ, αηAφutt and ηAφut

    where the operator Aφ

    is self-adjoint and strictly positive in a complex Hilbert
    space H and the parameter φ can vary between 0 and 1. When φ = 1 we have
    the MGT-Fourier physical model, previously investigated, see; 2013[1] and
    2022[9], in these works, the authors respectively showed that the semigroup
    S(t) = e
    tB associated with the MGT-Fourier model are exponentially stable
    and analytical. The model abstract of this research is given by: (3)–(5), we
    show directly that the semigroup S(t) is exponentially stable for φ ∈ [0, 1],
    we also show that for φ = 1, S(t) is analytic and study of the Gevrey classes
    of S(t). We show that for φ ∈ (
    , 1) there are two families of Gevrey classes:

    s1 > 2 when φ ∈ (1/2, 2/3] and s2 >
    2φ−1 when φ ∈ [2/3, 1), in the last part

    of our investigation using spectral analysis we tackled the study of the non-
    analyticity and lack of Gevrey classes of S(t) when φ ∈ [0, 1/2]. For the study

    of the existence, stability, and regularity, semigroup theory is used together
    with the techniques of the frequency domain, multipliers, and spectral analysis
    of a system, using the property of the fractional operator Aφ

    for φ ∈ [0, 1].

  • Fredy Maglorio Sobrado Suárez
  • Filomena Barbosa Rodrigues Mendes
  • Santos Richard W. Sanguino Bejarano
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