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Semigrupo de contracción en el espacio l²(Z)

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Semigrupo de contracción en el espacio l²(Z)

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2792329112

  • Palavras-chave: espaço l 2 (Z); teorema de Hellinger-Toeplitz; Semigrupo de contração; existência de solução; norma do gráfico.

  • Keywords: Keywords: l 2 (Z) space; Hellinger-Toeplitz theorem; Semigroup of contraction; existence of solution; graph norm

  • Abstract:

    In this work we begin by studying the multiplication operator M on the l 2 (Z) space.We prove that this operator is not bounded, is densely defined and symmetric and therefore does not admit a symmetric linear extension to the entire space. We introduce a family of operators on the l 2 (Z) space and demonstrate that it forms a contraction semigroup of class C o ,having -M as its infinitesimal generator. We also prove that if we restrict the domains of that family of operators, they still remain a contraction semigroup. Finally, we give results of existence of solution of the associated abstract Cauchy problem and properties of continuous dependence of the solution in connection to other norms.

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