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capa do ebook Risco de adquirir toxoplasmose de humano para humano

Risco de adquirir toxoplasmose de humano para humano

Toxoplasma gondii, is an intracellular parasite belonging to the coccidian protozoa, the definitive host is usually the feline, however it has been found parasitizing in birds and other vertebrates, through the cats feces is release the oocysts which are disseminated to the environment through the soil in this way  contaminate  the water, vegetation, fruits, herbivorous animals can become infected by consuming contaminated plants, other intermediaries become infected by any of these means, including humans . Aim is to communicate how the Toxoplasma gondii can be transmitted like risk factor from serological positive donors to recipients liable to receive a solid organ or cell hematopoietic cells transplant including blood transfusion, the transmission risk human by human. Method is a systematic review in databases including PubMed, Ebsco Host and Google Scholar from 2000 to 20021 keywords: toxoplasmosis, blood donors with or without toxoplasma test, organ transplant toxoplasma test, and criteria like as, blood transfusion patients with toxoplasma test, organ transplant patients with or without toxoplasma screen, post-transplant patients who presented toxoplasmosis and patients post transfusion who presented toxoplasmosis. Results this review show that the transmission of toxoplasma gondii can occur through different human fluids and some components such as: blood products, hematopoietic cell transplantation and solid organs, there are studies that show in their results that there were patients who presented the disease in forms such as mild toxoplasmosis, moderate toxoplasmosis, severe and disseminated toxoplasmosis due to some patients died. Conclusion through this review it was found that were many patients who presented toxoplasmosis disease after some medical procedures specifically have been transfused or post transplantation of organs such as heart, liver or lung and hematopoietic cells and in this way the transmission is explained of Toxoplasma gondii from person to person is usually a donor and recipient of some fluid or human component

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Risco de adquirir toxoplasmose de humano para humano

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.69822150217

  • Palavras-chave: Toxoplasmosis, blood transfusion, organ solid transplant, human transmission, risk acquiring toxoplasmosis

  • Keywords: Toxoplasmosis, blood transfusion, organ solid transplant, human transmission, risk acquiring toxoplasmosis

  • Abstract:

    Toxoplasma gondii, is an intracellular parasite belonging to the coccidian protozoa, the definitive host is usually the feline, however it has been found parasitizing in birds and other vertebrates, through the cats feces is release the oocysts which are disseminated to the environment through the soil in this way  contaminate  the water, vegetation, fruits, herbivorous animals can become infected by consuming contaminated plants, other intermediaries become infected by any of these means, including humans . Aim is to communicate how the Toxoplasma gondii can be transmitted like risk factor from serological positive donors to recipients liable to receive a solid organ or cell hematopoietic cells transplant including blood transfusion, the transmission risk human by human. Method is a systematic review in databases including PubMed, Ebsco Host and Google Scholar from 2000 to 20021 keywords: toxoplasmosis, blood donors with or without toxoplasma test, organ transplant toxoplasma test, and criteria like as, blood transfusion patients with toxoplasma test, organ transplant patients with or without toxoplasma screen, post-transplant patients who presented toxoplasmosis and patients post transfusion who presented toxoplasmosis. Results this review show that the transmission of toxoplasma gondii can occur through different human fluids and some components such as: blood products, hematopoietic cell transplantation and solid organs, there are studies that show in their results that there were patients who presented the disease in forms such as mild toxoplasmosis, moderate toxoplasmosis, severe and disseminated toxoplasmosis due to some patients died. Conclusion through this review it was found that were many patients who presented toxoplasmosis disease after some medical procedures specifically have been transfused or post transplantation of organs such as heart, liver or lung and hematopoietic cells and in this way the transmission is explained of Toxoplasma gondii from person to person is usually a donor and recipient of some fluid or human component

  • Número de páginas: 8

  • María de los Remedios Sánchez-Díaz
  • Martha Rosales Aguilar
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