Palavras-chave: Invernadero aeropónico, Internet de las Cosas, Inteligencia Artificial, Lógica Difusa, Sensor
Keywords: Aeroponic greenhouse, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Logic, Sensor.
Abstract: Internet technologies encompass a wide range of tools and systems that enable communication, information sharing and global connectivity. The integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in agriculture has revolutionized the way resources are managed, and farming practices are optimized. Using connected sensors, real-time monitoring systems and advanced data analytics, farmers can make informed decisions that improve the efficiency and sustainability of their crops. AI makes it possible to predict weather conditions, detect pests and diseases early, and automatically adjust irrigation and fertilization, which reduces resource waste and increases productivity. Together, these technologies not only improve profitability, but also contribute to food safety and environmental protection. The objective of this research project is to manage the different physical variables involved in an aeroponics using Internet of Things and Fuzzy Logic such as, temperature and humidity. This proposal has been implemented in a low-cost greenhouse prototype where a bank of sensors has been placed and managed through the open-source automation platform Home Assistant (HA). The aeroponic greenhouse can be controlled locally (Fog Computing) or from anywhere with an Internet connection via VPN (Cloud Computing). This type of proposal is intended to accelerate the growth process of the agricultural products placed inside the greenhouse. The implementation of this project will be in two phases. The first phase will consist of the construction of the aeroponic greenhouse together with the sensor bank, the central processing system, connectivity of the sensor bank to the Home Assistant platform, remote connectivity to the greenhouse and the implementation of fuzzy logic in the management of the sensor bank. In the second phase, the growth time of an agricultural product inside the aeroponic greenhouse will be compared with the growth of the same product outside the greenhouse. This proposal shows the results of the first phase of the project.
- Marco Antonio Hernandez Vargas
- Beatriz Eugenia Silva y Rodríguez García
- Jorge Norberto Mondragón Reyes
- César Dunay Acevedo Arreola