PLATAFORMAS DIGITAIS E UBERIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: Uma distopia no capitalismo contemporâneo
PLATAFORMAS DIGITAIS E UBERIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: Uma distopia no capitalismo contemporâneo
Palavras-chave: Plataformas Digitais, Uberização, Trabalho, Appficação, Capitalismo Contemporâneo.
Keywords: Digital Platforms, Uberization, Labor, Appfication, Contemporary Capitalism.
Abstract: The spread of digital work platforms around the world has accelerated the phenomenon of uberization and brought new debates about the impacts of platformization on workers. Emerging as an alternative to the formal labor market, digital work platforms have reached the market under the discourse of flexibility and self-management. It is assumed that platformization is the result of intense technological progress and that uberization is a dystopian phenomenon at this stage. In this sense, to achieve the objective of analyzing the relationship between platformization and uberization, it was sought, based on bibliographic references and a qualitative approach, to ground the categories of discussion addressed in the two parts of this work. We reach the conclusion that platformization has brought to light new forms of domination and exploitation of capitalism over the workforce in this informational-digital-financial phase and that uberization is a dystopian phenomenon that leads to greater precariousness of the worker.