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O corpo do Brasil no jogo da vida

Sabemos que o corpo humano é

constituído de átomos de energia com dois polos

(o positivo e o negativo), o que diverge do antigo

paradigma que defendia a ideia cartesiana da

divisão entre corpo e mente, e espelhava-se nos

estereótipos de gênero. O objetivo do presente

estudo é compreender o pensar e o sentir, o

masculino e o feminino, de forma relacional,

em oposição aos fundamentos cartesianos. Na

prática, ainda somos regidos por leis baseadas

no pensamento masculino, racional, objetivo e

unilateral divergente das leis da natureza. Por

meio de um levantamento bibliográfico foram

coletados dados em sete áreas do conhecimento

com base na análise fragmentada dos

conteúdos e dos conceitos característicos do

paradigma cartesiano. Seguindo a abordagem

sistêmica, foram incorporadas metáforas por

meio da Música Popular Brasileira, para ampliar

o conceito de um corpo coletivo, amparado

pela proposta da psicologia junguiana. A partir

da afirmação de uma aluna que dizia não

poder pular o muro (concreto) com seu corpo

de menina para buscar uma bola, vislumbrei

os muros metafóricos da subjetividade e do

multiverso. “Existe um espírito de fantasia

jogando nos limites entre a ‘brincadeira’ e a

‘seriedade’, a fala e a linguagem e, brincando

com esta maravilhosa faculdade de designar, o

‘espírito’ parece estar constantemente saltando

entre a matéria (corpo) e as coisas pensadas

(mente) ” (Huizinga, 1994, p.03). Este trabalho

conclui discutindo o conceito de androginia, que

considera tanto o masculino quanto o feminino,

presentes no mesmo corpo.

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O corpo do Brasil no jogo da vida

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.09619060937

  • Palavras-chave: masculino-feminino; natureza-cultura; paradigmas

  • Keywords: We know that the human body consists of energy atoms with two poles (the positive and the negative), which diverge from the old paradigm that defended the Cartesian idea of division between body and mind, and based on the gender stereotypes. The aim of this study is to look at the concepts of thinking and feeling, masculine and feminine, in a relational way, in opposition to those Cartesian foundations. It is important to understand the concepts of reality and life, once we are in constant interaction with nature and the universe. However and in a practice way, laws based on rational, objective, unilateral male thinking have ruled us – laws that are divergent from those of nature. Through a bibliographical survey, data were Sexualidade e Relações de Gênero 3 Capítulo 37 388 collected in seven areas of knowledge, based on the fragmented analysis of contents and some concepts of the Cartesian paradigm. Following the systemic approach, it was incorporated metaphors for amplifying the concept of collective body through the Brazilian popular music, supported by some proposals of the Jungian psychology. From the talking of a student that she could not jump over the wall (concrete) to catch the ball of the other side, with her girlish body, I glimpsed the metaphorical walls of subjectivity and multiverse. "There is a spirit of fantasy playing in the boundaries between a ‘joke’ and the ‘seriousness’, the speech and the language. Playing with this wonderful faculty of designating the ‘spirit’ seems to be constantly jumping between matter (body) and thought (mind)” (Huizinga, 1994, p. 03). This work concludes by discussing the concept of androgyny that considers both the masculine and the feminine within the same body.

  • Abstract:

    We know that the human body

    consists of energy atoms with two poles (the

    positive and the negative), which diverge from the

    old paradigm that defended the Cartesian idea

    of division between body and mind, and based

    on the gender stereotypes. The aim of this study

    is to look at the concepts of thinking and feeling,

    masculine and feminine, in a relational way, in

    opposition to those Cartesian foundations. It is

    important to understand the concepts of reality

    and life, once we are in constant interaction

    with nature and the universe. However and

    in a practice way, laws based on rational,

    objective, unilateral male thinking have ruled us

    – laws that are divergent from those of nature.

    Through a bibliographical survey, data were

    collected in seven areas of knowledge, based on the fragmented analysis of contents

    and some concepts of the Cartesian paradigm. Following the systemic approach, it

    was incorporated metaphors for amplifying the concept of collective body through the

    Brazilian popular music, supported by some proposals of the Jungian psychology. From

    the talking of a student that she could not jump over the wall (concrete) to catch the ball

    of the other side, with her girlish body, I glimpsed the metaphorical walls of subjectivity

    and multiverse. "There is a spirit of fantasy playing in the boundaries between a ‘joke’

    and the ‘seriousness’, the speech and the language. Playing with this wonderful faculty

    of designating the ‘spirit’ seems to be constantly jumping between matter (body) and

    thought (mind)” (Huizinga, 1994, p. 03). This work concludes by discussing the concept

    of androgyny that considers both the masculine and the feminine within the same body.

  • Número de páginas: 15

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