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Monitoria acadêmica em enfermagem nos cuidados cirúrgico no processo ensino-aprendizagem: Relato de experiência.

Este estudo tem como objetivo relatar a experiência do acadêmico de enfermagem no desempenho de atividades de monitoria na disciplina Enfermagem nos Cuidados Cirúrgicos no processo ensino-aprendizagem. Trata-se de um relato de experiência que descreve as vivências de um acadêmico de enfermagem na realização da modalidade de monitoria no processo de ensino da referida disciplina durante o semestre de 2022. Foi demonstrado no laboratório a montagem do kit cirúrgico básico, apresentação e explicação dos instrumentais cirúrgicos e as etapas relacionadas pré-operatório, intra-operatório e pós-operatório e a atuação da assistência de enfermagem no centro cirúrgico.  Foi construído e aplicado os POP’s como guia nas práticas do laboratório, tais como: calçar e retirar luvas estéreis; higienização e degermaçãos das mãos; assistência de enfermagem ao paciente em pré-operatório; assistência de enfermagem ao paciente em intra-operatório e a assistência de enfermagem ao paciente em pós-operatório, com intuito de esclarecer as dúvidas dos discentes sobre o conteúdo abordado em sala de aula. A monitória desenvolveu práticas, exposição de materiais e de revisão de conteúdos teóricos. Foram os dois semestres tendo um total de 42 acadêmicos. Todos os tópicos teóricos da disciplina eram apresentados no laboratório pelos equipamentos hospitalares, guiada por POP’s e material audiovisual. No final de cada demonstração havia uma atividade avaliativa para maior fixação do conteúdo. Conclui-se que o papel do monitor é apoiar, auxiliar e proporcionar meios de aprendizagem na realização de habilidades, fortalecendo vínculos acadêmicos e contribuindo para a formação de profissionais qualificados para exercer a profissão. A experiência proporcionou crescimento acadêmico e pessoal, oportunizando o compartilhamento de saberes monitores-alunos.
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Monitoria acadêmica em enfermagem nos cuidados cirúrgico no processo ensino-aprendizagem: Relato de experiência.

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.8832319095

  • Palavras-chave: Aprendizagem. Cuidados Cirúrgicos. Enfermagem. Monitoria.

  • Keywords: Learning. Surgical Care. Nursing. Monitoring.

  • Abstract: This study aims to report the experience of nursing students in the performance of monitoring activities in the discipline of Nursing in Surgical Care in the teaching-learning process. This is an experience report that describes the experiences of a nursing student in carrying out the monitoring modality in the teaching process of that discipline during the semester of 2022. The assembly of the basic surgical kit, presentation and explanation was demonstrated in the laboratory of surgical instruments and related preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative stages and the performance of nursing care in the surgical center. POP's were constructed and applied as a guide in laboratory practices, such as: putting on and removing sterile gloves; hand hygiene and degermation; nursing care for the patient in the preoperative period; nursing care for the patient during the intraoperative period and nursing care for the patient during the postoperative period, with the aim of clarifying the students' doubts about the content addressed in the classroom. Monitoring developed practices, exposition of materials and revision of theoretical contents. There were two semesters with a total of 42 academics. All theoretical topics of the discipline were presented in the laboratory by hospital equipment, guided by SOPs and audiovisual material. At the end of each demonstration there was an evaluative activity for a better fixation of the content. It is concluded that the role of the monitor is to support, assist and provide means of learning in the realization of skills, strengthening academic bonds and contributing to the formation of qualified professionals to practice the profession. The experience provided academic and personal growth, enabling the sharing of student-monitor knowledge. This study aims to report the experience of nursing students in the performance of monitoring activities in the discipline of Nursing in Surgical Care in the teaching-learning process.This is an experience report that describes the experiences of a nursing student in carrying out the monitoring modality in the teaching process of that discipline during the semester of 2022. The assembly of the basic surgical kit, presentation and explanation was demonstrated in the laboratory of surgical instruments and related preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative stages and the performance of nursing care in the surgical center. POP's were constructed and applied as a guide in laboratory practices, such as: putting on and removing sterile gloves; hand hygiene and degermation; nursing care for the patient in the preoperative period; nursing care for the patient during the intraoperative period and nursing care for the patient during the postoperative period, with the aim of clarifying the students' doubts about the content addressed in the classroom. Monitoring developed practices, exposition of materials and revision of theoretical contents. There were two semesters with a total of 42 academics. All theoretical topics of the discipline were presented in the laboratory by hospital equipment, guided by SOPs and audiovisual material. At the end of each demonstration there was an evaluative activity for a better fixation of the content. It is concluded that the role of the monitor is to support, assist and provide means of learning in the realization of skills, strengthening academic bonds and contributing to the formation of qualified professionals to practice the profession. The experience provided academic and personal growth, enabling the sharing of student-monitor knowledge.

  • Samuel Albuquerque de Souza
  • Francisca Nellie de Paula Melo
  • Anne Lívia Cavalcante Mota
  • Ana Paula Chaves Cunha
  • Luma Patrícia da Silva Sousa
  • Andressa Lorrane Gonzaga Bonfim
  • Maria da Conceição dos Santos Oliveira Cunha
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