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Irrationality in theoretical music in the Renassaince


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Irrationality in theoretical music in the Renassaince

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.61719230820

  • Palavras-chave: atena

  • Keywords: ratio, irrationality, mathematics education

  • Abstract:

    This presentation covers

    questions of how the relationship between

    mathematics and theoretical music throughout

    western history shaped modern comprehension

    of critical notions such as “ratio” and “proportion”;

    exploring the educational potentiality of such

    a comprehension. In order to do that, it will

    be consider a procedure taken by Erasmus of

    Höritz, a Bohemian mathematician and music

    theorist who emerged in the early 16th century

    as a German humanists very articulate with

    musical matters. In order to divide the tone,

    Erasmus preferred to use a numerical method

    to approach the geometrical mean, although

    his procedure did not recognize itself as an

    approximation of the true real number value

    of the geometric mean. The Early Modern

    Period saw the growing use of geometry as an

    instrument for solving structural problems in

    theoretical music, a change not independently

    from those occurred in the conception of ratio/

    number in the context of theoretical music. In

    the context of recovery of interest in Greek

    sources, Erasmus communicated to musical

    readers an important fruit of such a revival and

    was likely the first in the Renaissance to apply

    explicitly Euclidean geometry to solve problems

    in theoretical music. Although Erasmus also

    considered the tradition of De institutione musica

    of Boethius, he was based strongly on Euclid’s

    The Elements, using geometry in his De musica

    in different ways in order to solve musical

    problems. It is this comprehensive geometrical

    work rather than the summary arithmetical and

    musical books of Boethius that serves Erasmus

    as his starting-point. However, Erasmus

    proposed a proportional numerical division

    of the whole tone interval sounding between

    strings with length ratio of 9:8, since it was a

    primary arithmetical problem. This presentation

    aims at showing the educational potentiality of

    the implications of such a procedure of Erasmus

    on the transformation of conception of ratio and

    on the emergence of the idea of modern number

    in theoretical music contexts. Under a broader

    perspective, it aims at show the implications on

    education of a historical/epistemological and

    interdisciplinary appraisal of theoretical music

    and mathematics.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Oscar Joao Abdounur
  • Oscar Abdounur
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