Impactos do Fundeb no financiamento da educação: uma análise de dez municípios paraibanos para o ano de 2020 e reflexões sobre a política educacional
Impactos do Fundeb no financiamento da educação: uma análise de dez municípios paraibanos para o ano de 2020 e reflexões sobre a política educacional
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.10123250911
Palavras-chave: Política educacional; Fundeb; Paraíba.
Keywords: Education Politics; Fundeb; Paraíba.
Abstract: The objective of this work is to bring some reflections on Fundeb in ten municipalities in Paraíba, in the direction of problematizing the importance of redistributing resources in these cases for the improvement of basic education. Considering the information for the year 2020 as a basis, this work started from the calculation of the expenditure per student of the municipalities analyzed and, fictitious, withdrew the resources received from the net result of Fundeb, seeking, in a qualitative approach, to understand the impact of the policy redistributive to these municipalities and problematizing the following issues: evasion, quality, financial potential, inequalities, pandemic and Fundeb's impact on the financing of municipal education. The results are in line with other studies cited throughout the text that Fundeb has a relative capacity to reduce regional educational asymmetries, lacking, however, a greater presence of the Union in terms of financial supplementation.
- Marcus Quintanilha da Silva
- Tessa Matos Carvalho Cabral e Silva
- Marina Araújo de Andrade
- Maria Rita Ribeiro de Medeiros
- Luiz Gustavo de Sousa Almeida Silva
- Júlio César de Oliveira Santos