Impacto da ação extensionista na compreensão dos princípios de imunologia dialogados com alunos do ensino médio de uma escola de Governador Valadares
Impacto da ação extensionista na compreensão dos princípios de imunologia dialogados com alunos do ensino médio de uma escola de Governador Valadares
Palavras-chave: sistema imunológico, imunidade inata, imunidade adaptativa, vacinação, extensão curricular
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Abstract: This study evaluated the impact of an extension activity on understanding basic immunology concepts among high school students at Escola Estadual Profª Maria Damázio de Barros Menezes. The methodology included an explanatory lecture on the immune system's functioning and the importance of vaccination, followed by practical activities such as quizzes and identifying lymphoid organs on a human body model. A survey assessed students' knowledge before and after the lesson, as well as their satisfaction with the dynamics. Results showed a significant increase in knowledge levels: from 12 students with no prior knowledge to none after the lesson, while 31 students achieved an excellent understanding. Satisfaction with the activity was high, with 45 students reporting being satisfied. It is concluded that interactive practices support learning and raise awareness about the immune system and vaccination, fostering academic and public health benefits.
- Esdras Alves Daniel Guerra
- Marcelo Rosalvo Santos de Araújo
- Renan Pablo Andrade de Oliveira
- Gabriel Ferreira Santos
- Luísa Helena Perin de Melo