Artigo - Atena Editora


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With the publication of ANEEL REN 482 in 2012, Brazilian electricity consumers gained the right to generate their own energy locally from renewable sources and benefit financially. The research aimed to carry out an investigation through a case study to analyze the investment of a photovoltaic system technically and economically for generating electricity in an industry. We used financial analysis tools to define the discounted payback, the internal rate of return and the net present value, considering the system's useful life of 25 years. The investment amounted to R$ 170,000.00 and showed a discounted payback of 5 years and 8 months, an IRR of 20.13%, which is higher than the 5% APR initially considered in the project, and a positive NPV of R$ 299,192.39, indicating that the project can be accepted. The investment made, when compared to savings, proved to be more attractive, with a higher financial return. In the simulation carried out considering the new scenario of ANEEL REN 1059/2022 (DG II), the consumer would see a reduction in benefit of 27.52% over the 25 years compared to DG I, with systems installed before 7/1/2023.
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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: solar; energia; fotovoltaica; microgeração; viabilidade

  • Keywords: solar; energy; photovoltaic; microgeneration; viability

  • Abstract: With the publication of ANEEL REN 482 in 2012, Brazilian electricity consumers gained the right to generate their own energy locally from renewable sources and benefit financially. The research aimed to carry out an investigation through a case study to analyze the investment of a photovoltaic system technically and economically for generating electricity in an industry. We used financial analysis tools to define the discounted payback, the internal rate of return and the net present value, considering the system's useful life of 25 years. The investment amounted to R$ 170,000.00 and showed a discounted payback of 5 years and 8 months, an IRR of 20.13%, which is higher than the 5% APR initially considered in the project, and a positive NPV of R$ 299,192.39, indicating that the project can be accepted. The investment made, when compared to savings, proved to be more attractive, with a higher financial return. In the simulation carried out considering the new scenario of ANEEL REN 1059/2022 (DG II), the consumer would see a reduction in benefit of 27.52% over the 25 years compared to DG I, with systems installed before 7/1/2023.

  • Marcio Mendonca
  • Emerson Ravazzi Pires da Silva
  • Rodrigo Zempulski Fanucchi
  • Daniel Almeida Colombo
  • Wagner de Paula Rodrigues
  • Carolina Alves Bianchini
  • Vicente de Lime Gongora
  • Carlos Alberto Paschoalino
  • Bruno Oliveira Rosa
  • Gustavo Henrique Bazan
  • Edinei Aparecido Furquim dos Santos
  • Ângelo Feracin Neto
  • Rodrigo Rodrigues Sumar
  • André Luiz Salvat Moscato
  • Marcos Banheti Rabello Vallim
  • Andressa Haiduk
  • Michelle Eliza Casagrande Rocha
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