EDUCAÇÃO EM SAÚDE NA ESCOLA: uma abordagem sobre cuidados básicos de higiêne na infância
EDUCAÇÃO EM SAÚDE NA ESCOLA: uma abordagem sobre cuidados básicos de higiêne na infância
Palavras-chave: Saúde Escolar; Promoção da saúde; Atividades educativas; Enfermagem.
Keywords: School Health; Health promotion; Educational activities; Nursing.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to report the experience of nursing students during intervention activities carried out with children at a public educational institution. The work took place in 2022 in the city of Senhor do Bonfim (BA), in the context of the Supervised Internship I discipline, taught in the eighth semester of the Undergraduate Nursing course at Faculdade AGES, Campus Senhor do Bonfim. The development of the educational action took place through the playful-interactive methodology, showing in fact that health education is essential for reflection and behavior change in the lives of individuals, especially children. Therefore, health education needs to be constantly planned and assumed as an important role of health professionals.
- Filipe Bonfim Nunes
- Eduarda Silva dos Santos
- Edvone Alves da Silva
- Samuel da Silva Oliveira
- Agnete Troelsen Pereira Nascimento
- Barbara Bispo da Silva
- Valdiria Soares de Melo
- Karen Luane Souza Figueiredo
- Rosany Claudia Dantas Pereira
- Jucélia Gonçalves Fereira de Almeida
- Rafael Medeiros Gomes
- Marcelo Domingues de Faria