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Desarrollos para la industria automotriz

Se describe el desarrollo de aceros en las últimas 7 décadas (1950 - 2020) y su relación intrínseca con los requerimientos de la industria automotriz, discutiendo aceros al carbono (Mild), aceros resistentes a abolladuras (Bake Harden), microaleados (High Strength Low Alloy), doble fase (Dual Phase) y fase compleja/ multifase (Complex Phase /Multi Phase), aceros de plasticidad inducida por transformación (TRansformation Induced Plasticity), aceros de plasticidad inducida por maclado (TWinning Induced Plasticity), para finalmente consolidarlos en un diagrama único (banana chart o diagrama de formabilidad). Se discuten brevemente los proyectos ULSAB (Ultra Light Steel AutoBody) y FSV (Future Steel Vehicle), usando como punto de partida conocimientos básicos de propiedades mecánicas y su relación con el estampado, ya sea como pieza terminada o como parte de un ensamble.
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Desarrollos para la industria automotriz

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: acero, automotriz, HSLA, TRIP, TWIP, DP, CP, MP

  • Keywords: steel, automotive, HSLA, TRIP, TWIP, DP, CP, MP

  • Abstract: The development of steels over the past seven decades (1950 - 2020) and their intrinsic relationship with the requirements of the automotive industry is described, discussing carbon steels (Mild), dent-resistant steels (Bake Harden), microalloyed steels (High Strength Low Alloy), dual-phase steels (Dual Phase), and complex/multiphase steels (Complex Phase/Multi Phase). Additionally, Transformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) steels and Twinning Induced Plasticity (TWIP) steels are covered, ultimately consolidating them into a single diagram (banana chart or formability diagram). The ULSAB (Ultra Light Steel Auto Body) and FSV (Future Steel Vehicle) projects are briefly discussed, using basic knowledge of mechanical properties and their relationship with stamping, whether as a finished part or as part of an assembly, as a starting point.

  • Luis Rodrigo Palomera Rodriguez
  • Jose Guadalupe Ramirez Vieyra
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