Demonstrando propriedades da geometria plana no ensino fundamental por meio de uma proposta de atividades investigativas e experimentais
Demonstrando propriedades da geometria plana no ensino fundamental por meio de uma proposta de atividades investigativas e experimentais
Palavras-chave: Demonstração; Geometria; Ensino; Matemática; Sequência Didática.
Keywords: Demonstration; Geometry; Teaching; Mathematics; Didactic Sequence.
Abstract: In this article, we present a section of a master's dissertation developed within the scope of the Professional Master's Program in Mathematics in Network (PROFMAT), at the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), which aimed to develop a didactic sequence of activities for basic education, focusing on classic theorems of Euclidean Geometry. The proposed activities use experimentation and mathematical investigation to think about the teaching of geometric content, stimulating students to develop logical arguments that bring them closer to mathematical demonstration. The application of one of the activities in the sequence revealed that differentiated didactic proposals can contribute to students feeling competent to "do" mathematics, proving geometric properties without exclusive concern for rigor, but rather for understanding the whys of mathematical truths.
- Fernanda Aparecida Ferreira
- Carlos Eduardo Ladeira Vidigal