Artigo - Atena Editora


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Arthritis symptoms relief, cure options


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Arthritis symptoms relief, cure options

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.58122081228

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: Arthritis, oil pulling, overweight, swelling, thermal water baths.

  • Abstract:

    As a support to people who suffer from arthritis, this paper, offers a little knowledge to treat this illness. It has been proven that taking thermal water baths is recommended to ease the pain, the swelling and relief of some of the symptoms that are caused for arthritis. Swelling is a known process “in which the body's white blood cells and immune proteins help protect us from infection and foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses.” It has been said that practicing medicine naturist, could ease the pain, lowering the swelling and relief indeed the illness and symptoms of arthritis.

  • Lino Martín Castro
  • Guadalupe Gómez Méndez
  • María del Carmen Enríquez Leal
  • Mariela Valdez
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