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capa do ebook Análise ergonômica do trabalho em uma atividade de uma empresa do ramo alimentício

Análise ergonômica do trabalho em uma atividade de uma empresa do ramo alimentício

Nenhum ambiente de trabalho é

bom o bastante que não precise de mudanças,

pois o ser humano é único e seu conforto é

algo subjetivo, devendo passar por processo

de melhoria contínua. Pensando nisso

objetivou-se realizar uma análise do trabalho

de uma funcionária que atua em uma fábrica

de produtos alimentícios, visando a reflexão

sobre a aplicação da ergonomia como auxílio

a identificar riscos à saúde do trabalhador.

Realizou-se observação geral da empresa,

seguindo para análise do setor, posto de trabalho

e da funcionária. A análise foi feita através de

registros fotográficos e vídeos, decomposição e

registro da tarefa diário, aplicação da equação

de NIOSH, observação e registro de fatores

ambientais e entrevista contendo NASA TLX

adaptado e a Escala Visual Analógica (EVA)

de desconforto. Finalizou-se apontado riscos

relacionados à tarefa realizada e as medidas

profiláticas. Na EVA obteve-se dor de moderada

a intensa em tornozelos e panturrilhas, lombar

e parte distal dos dedos, ombro e trapézio,

pescoço e antepé esquerdo. O método NASA

TLX resultou em carga de trabalho total de

13,65 pontos, quase a máxima (15), observando

que o fator mais impactante para a funcionária

é o esforço. A equação de NIOSH indicou

risco elevado. A luminosidade é razoável, a

temperatura no inverno é agradável e no verão

desconfortável. No ruído há necessidade do

uso de protetor auricular. Demonstrou-se

problemas relacionados ao posto de trabalho

da funcionária e seu trabalho, podendo agravar

sua saúde, necessitando de alterações neste

ambiente melhorando as condições de trabalho.

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Análise ergonômica do trabalho em uma atividade de uma empresa do ramo alimentício

  • DOI: Atena

  • Palavras-chave: Fisioterapia preventiva, ergonomia, empresas, saúde

  • Keywords: No working environment is good enough that does not need changes, because the human being is unique and his confort is something subjective, and must undergo a continuous improvement process. Thinking about that, the purpose of this study was to analyze the work of an employee who works in a food factory, aiming for the reflection on the application of ergonomics as an aid to identify Fundamentos e Práticas da Fisioterapia 2 Capítulo 2 16 risks to the work’s health. A general observation of the company was made, followed for analysis of the sector, workstation and employee. The analysis was done through photographic records and videos, decomposition and daily task record, application of the NIOSH equation, observation and recording of environmental factors and interview containing NASA TLX adapted and Visual Analogue Scale (EVA) of discomfort. It was concluded pointing out risks related to the task performed and the prophylactic measures. In the EVA there was moderate to severe pain in the ankles and calves, lumbar and distal part of the fingers, shoulder and trapezius, neck and left forefoot. The NASA TLX method resulted in a total workload of 13,65 points, almost the maximum (15), observing that the the most impactful factor for the employee is the effort. The NIOSH equation indicate high risk. The brightness is reasonable, the temperature in the winter is pleasant and in the summer is uncomfortable. In noise there is a need for ear protection. It has been shown problems related to employee’s workstation and her work, may aggravate her health, necessitating changes in this environment and improving working conditions.

  • Abstract:

    No working environment is good

    enough that does not need changes, because

    the human being is unique and his confort is

    something subjective, and must undergo a

    continuous improvement process. Thinking

    about that, the purpose of this study was to

    analyze the work of an employee who works in

    a food factory, aiming for the reflection on the

    application of ergonomics as an aid to identify 

    risks to the work’s health. A general observation of the company was made, followed

    for analysis of the sector, workstation and employee. The analysis was done through

    photographic records and videos, decomposition and daily task record, application of

    the NIOSH equation, observation and recording of environmental factors and interview

    containing NASA TLX adapted and Visual Analogue Scale (EVA) of discomfort. It

    was concluded pointing out risks related to the task performed and the prophylactic

    measures. In the EVA there was moderate to severe pain in the ankles and calves,

    lumbar and distal part of the fingers, shoulder and trapezius, neck and left forefoot. The

    NASA TLX method resulted in a total workload of 13,65 points, almost the maximum

    (15), observing that the the most impactful factor for the employee is the effort. The

    NIOSH equation indicate high risk. The brightness is reasonable, the temperature in

    the winter is pleasant and in the summer is uncomfortable. In noise there is a need

    for ear protection. It has been shown problems related to employee’s workstation and

    her work, may aggravate her health, necessitating changes in this environment and

    improving working conditions.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Rafaela Silveira Maciazeki
  • Bruna König dos Santos
  • Tatiana Cecagno Galvan
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