A persistente mentalidade colonial expressa na ficção lusófona afrodiaspórica
A persistente mentalidade colonial expressa na ficção lusófona afrodiaspórica
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.0252420128
Palavras-chave: Teoria pós-colonial; literatura contemporânea lusófona; Estudos Culturais; Colonialidade
Keywords: Postcolonial theory; contemporary Lusophone literature; Cultural Studies; Coloniality
Abstract: The article proposes a comparative reading of novels by three contemporary authors who, although from different nationalities, come together here in a postcolonial perspective. Based on the theories of important cultural studies thinkers, such as Fanon, Bhabha, Mignolo, Quijano and Silviano Santiago, we suggest a reflection not only on the permanence of colonial strata in the contemporary world, but on the volatile dispersion of domination and exploitation strategies.
- Marcelo Brandão Mattos