La innovación y el conocimiento son los principales factores de competitividad y crecimiento sostenible de cada país, por ello que resulta importante conocer la situación de América Latina respecto a países desarrollados. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar un análisis comparado de Honduras y Nicaragua respecto al grado de innovación con el que cuentan, y a su vez, generar un análisis literario con países como México y Suiza, ambos con economías diferentes. Así mismo, se muestra la metodología empleada para llevar a cabo el análisis antes mencionado basándose en los datos estadísticos y las correlaciones existentes o no entre el PIB per Cápita y 10 variables seleccionadas para medir los niveles de innovación simultánea en cada país durante un periodo de 22 años.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.51622240110
Palavras-chave: Innovación, competitividad, productividad
Keywords: Innovation and knowledge are the main factors of competitiveness and sustainable growth in each country, which is why it is important to know the situation in Latin America compared to developed countries. The present work aims to show a comparative analysis of Honduras and Nicaragua regarding the degree of innovation they have, and in turn, generate a literary analysis with countries such as Mexico and Switzerland, both with different economies. Likewise, the methodology used to carry out the aforementioned analysis is shown based on the statistical data and the correlations existing or not between GDP per Capita and 10 variables selected to measure the levels of simultaneous innovation in each country during a period of 22 years.
Innovation and knowledge are the main factors of competitiveness and sustainable growth in each country, which is why it is important to know the situation in Latin America compared to developed countries. The present work aims to show a comparative analysis of Honduras and Nicaragua regarding the degree of innovation they have, and in turn, generate a literary analysis with countries such as Mexico and Switzerland, both with different economies. Likewise, the methodology used to carry out the aforementioned analysis is shown based on the statistical data and the correlations existing or not between GDP per Capita and 10 variables selected to measure the levels of simultaneous innovation in each country during a period of 22 years.
Número de páginas: 16
- María de Carmen Zapata Zuñiga
- Irbin Salomón Zavaleta Arellanes
- Yesenia Juárez Rivera