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Relatos reportados na literatura sobre a matemática nos últimos anos têm apontado lacunas conceituais, estratégias metodológicas inadequadas e dificuldades na aprendizagem e as pesquisas vêm propondo estratégias cada vez mais direcionadas para um aprendizado satisfatório. O estudo traz uma revisão de literatura sobre o tema e uma análise sobre a importância das aplicações práticas cotidianas da matemática por meio de atividades lúdicas, buscando identificar as melhores estratégias e abordagens dos conceitos matemáticos aos estudantes para que eles tenham uma aprendizagem prazerosa e significativa. Foi adotada a pesquisa bibliográfica com revisão narrativa da literatura em livros, artigos, dissertações, teses, trabalhos apresentados em congressos, relatórios, entre outros. Como resultados encontrou-se que, através dos jogos, a criança desenvolve capacidades relacionadas à linguagem, ao pensamento, à socialização, à iniciativa e à autoestima. O estudo também trouxe propostas de atividades com o Material Dourado, o qual possibilita bons resultados no desenvolvimento dos alunos com a Matemática.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.10222251114

  • Palavras-chave: Lúdico; Jogos; Matemática; Material Dourado.

  • Keywords: Ludic; Games; Mathematics; Golden material.

  • Abstract:

    Reports in the literature on mathematics in recent years have pointed out conceptual gaps, inadequate methodological strategies and difficulties in learning, and research has been proposing strategies increasingly directed to a satisfactory learning. The study presents a literature review on the subject and an analysis of the importance of practical everyday applications of mathematics through playful activities, seeking to identify the best strategies and approaches to mathematical concepts for students to have a pleasurable and meaningful learning experience. The study used a bibliographic research with a narrative review of the literature in books, articles, dissertations, theses, papers presented at conferences, reports, and others. The results found that, through games, the child develops skills related to language, thinking, socialization, initiative, and self-esteem. The study also brought proposals for activities with the Golden Material, which enables good results in the development of students with Mathematics.Reports in the literature on mathematics in recent years have pointed out conceptual gaps, inadequate methodological strategies and difficulties in learning, and research has been proposing strategies increasingly directed to a satisfactory learning. The study presents a literature review on the subject and an analysis of the importance of practical everyday applications of mathematics through playful activities, seeking to identify the best strategies and approaches to mathematical concepts for students to have a pleasurable and meaningful learning experience. The study used a bibliographic research with a narrative review of the literature in books, articles, dissertations, theses, papers presented at conferences, reports, and others. The results found that, through games, the child develops skills related to language, thinking, socialization, initiative, and self-esteem. The study also brought proposals for activities with the Golden Material, which enables good results in the development of students with Mathematics.Reports in the literature on mathematics in recent years have pointed out conceptual gaps, inadequate methodological strategies and difficulties in learning, and research has been proposing strategies increasingly directed to a satisfactory learning. The study presents a literature review on the subject and an analysis of the importance of practical everyday applications of mathematics through playful activities, seeking to identify the best strategies and approaches to mathematical concepts for students to have a pleasurable and meaningful learning experience. The study used a bibliographic research with a narrative review of the literature in books, articles, dissertations, theses, papers presented at conferences, reports, and others. The results found that, through games, the child develops skills related to language, thinking, socialization, initiative, and self-esteem. The study also brought proposals for activities with the Golden Material, which enables good results in the development of students with Mathematics.

  • Patricia Aparecida da Silva Sales
  • Eliane Portalone Crescenti
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