Energetic, economic and socio-environmental assessment of alternatives for collective urban transport systems based on the multicriteria decision support model
Publicado em 02 de junho de 2023.
This research focuses on decision making for the choice of collective urban transport modes and analyzes the operational and functional performance of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Light Rail Vehicle (VLT) and Monorail systems. A multicriteria decision support (MDA) model in complex scenarios is used in the analysis and has as input data the subjective preferences of decision agents (stakeholders) and the objective and subjective performances of the three modes in relation to a system of five criteria and 22 sub-criteria. Such a system covers the axes of energy efficiency, cost, economic and financial viability, trip quality and environmental impacts. Stakeholders selected with operator, neighbor, user, equipment and service supplier and consultant profiles assign their preferences, scoring them on a numerical scale from 1 to 9. Aiming at the application of the model in the region of São Paulo, 138 opinions were collected from preferences through evaluation forms and interviews conducted in this region. Each of the three modes, after being configured to meet the operational and functional requirements of the transport service defined by a common functional unit, has its performance against the same set of criteria and sub-criteria scored on a numerical scale. A global index (GI), which defines the priority of each alternative, is obtained by aggregating preferences and performances with an additive function. The model was applied in a case study that simulated the operation of the three modes in the stretch between Vila Prudente and São Mateus stations on Line 15 of the São Paulo Metro, whose requirements defined the functional unit. Within the limits and premises established for this case study, the global indices calculated indicated a preference for the Monorail modal, followed, in order, by the VLT and BRT.
Energetic, economic and socio-environmental assessment of alternatives for collective urban transport systems based on the multicriteria decision support model
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.582232605
ISBN: 978-65-258-1458-2
Palavras-chave: 1. Urban transport. I. Pedroso, Guilherme. II. Título.
Ano: 2023
Número de páginas: 253