Artigo - Atena Editora


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The following theorem consists of a distribution function for any variable-rate process or system with a given lifecycle. It was the result of an effort for improving the manner how the probability of disruption is frequently estimated in organizational processes during a risk analysis. The result of the research was a probability distribution function for any stochastic process with a variable-rate function. Reliability engineering, organizational processes and IT systems are direct applications of the Variable-Rate Probability Distribution (VRPD) theorem. For example, the probability of failure of an electro-mechanical machine component in any time interval, that sometimes, requires complicated approaches through probability distributions that not always match the variable distribution, is easily performed through the VRPD theorem by merely considering the failure rate function. Organizational processes and IT systems evolve with time, which means that, optimization and patches respectively, the probability of interruption decreases along the process/system (p/s) lifecycle. 

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.317212210014

  • Palavras-chave: volutionary Process, Failure rate, Variable-rate probability distribution.

  • Keywords: volutionary Process, Failure rate, Variable-rate probability distribution.

  • Abstract:

    The following theorem consists of a distribution function for any variable-rate process or system with a given lifecycle. It was the result of an effort for improving the manner how the probability of disruption is frequently estimated in organizational processes during a risk analysis. The result of the research was a probability distribution function for any stochastic process with a variable-rate function. Reliability engineering, organizational processes and IT systems are direct applications of the Variable-Rate Probability Distribution (VRPD) theorem. For example, the probability of failure of an electro-mechanical machine component in any time interval, that sometimes, requires complicated approaches through probability distributions that not always match the variable distribution, is easily performed through the VRPD theorem by merely considering the failure rate function. Organizational processes and IT systems evolve with time, which means that, optimization and patches respectively, the probability of interruption decreases along the process/system (p/s) lifecycle. 

  • Número de páginas: 10

  • Alejandro Aristizabal
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