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Rehabilitation of Corroded Pipelines Through Pressure-Containing Sleeves Repair

Pipelines are safe and reliable facilities for the transportation or transfer of hydrocarbons across borders of geographically distinct operational units. However, during its useful life, defects may arise capable of compromising its integrity. In the present work, the double gutter repair technique is presented as an important alternative for the rehabilitation of corroded pipelines, highlighting two of the main precautions necessary to obtain the operational welding of a successful repair, for a pipeline where it was identified an extensive region with severe external corrosion. These are: the risk of cold cracking or hydrogen induced cracking (HIT), and the perforation of the pipeline wall.

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Rehabilitation of Corroded Pipelines Through Pressure-Containing Sleeves Repair

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3172152220075

  • Palavras-chave: corrosion, pipelines, operational welding, double trough.

  • Keywords: corrosion, pipelines, operational welding, double trough.

  • Abstract:

    Pipelines are safe and reliable facilities for the transportation or transfer of hydrocarbons across borders of geographically distinct operational units. However, during its useful life, defects may arise capable of compromising its integrity. In the present work, the double gutter repair technique is presented as an important alternative for the rehabilitation of corroded pipelines, highlighting two of the main precautions necessary to obtain the operational welding of a successful repair, for a pipeline where it was identified an extensive region with severe external corrosion. These are: the risk of cold cracking or hydrogen induced cracking (HIT), and the perforation of the pipeline wall.

  • Número de páginas: 7

  • Aldo Ramos Santos
  • Jose Jefferson Morais de Oliveira
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