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Prototype for water consumption control

Over the past few years, water crises faced by several Brazilian cities have become increasingly frequent. Due to this, society has been led to discuss the economy and rational use of water in increasingly broader sectors. In this project, we propose the construction of a cell phone application, with an Android-type operating system, that monitors residential water consumption and supply throughout the day. To achieve this, this work will be divided into two stages: construction of the monitoring equipment and development of the application algorithm. Monitoring will be carried out using a prototype assembled from an Arduino-type board and ultrasonic and vibration sensors installed in the residence's water tank. From the operation of these sensors, added to the appropriate algorithm on the Arduino board, it is possible to easily determine the volume that is entering or leaving the reservoir. The values for the volume of water consumed and the time of day will be sent by a Wi-Fi module, which is also connected to the Arduino board, to a server. When launched, the application will access this data and give the user three tool options. The first is graphical information on water consumption in liters during the day. The second will be graphical information on the volume of water supplied. Finally, the third option will be the preview of the water and sewage bill to be paid to date and the monthly projection considering the average daily consumption. Using this new technology, water consumers will be able to understand the consumption profile of their home and design the best logistics or strategy to reduce their water consumption and, consequently, the value of their bill.

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Prototype for water consumption control

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173342326092

  • Palavras-chave: Water, prototype, application.

  • Keywords: Water, prototype, application.

  • Abstract:

    Over the past few years, water crises faced by several Brazilian cities have become increasingly frequent. Due to this, society has been led to discuss the economy and rational use of water in increasingly broader sectors. In this project, we propose the construction of a cell phone application, with an Android-type operating system, that monitors residential water consumption and supply throughout the day. To achieve this, this work will be divided into two stages: construction of the monitoring equipment and development of the application algorithm. Monitoring will be carried out using a prototype assembled from an Arduino-type board and ultrasonic and vibration sensors installed in the residence's water tank. From the operation of these sensors, added to the appropriate algorithm on the Arduino board, it is possible to easily determine the volume that is entering or leaving the reservoir. The values for the volume of water consumed and the time of day will be sent by a Wi-Fi module, which is also connected to the Arduino board, to a server. When launched, the application will access this data and give the user three tool options. The first is graphical information on water consumption in liters during the day. The second will be graphical information on the volume of water supplied. Finally, the third option will be the preview of the water and sewage bill to be paid to date and the monthly projection considering the average daily consumption. Using this new technology, water consumers will be able to understand the consumption profile of their home and design the best logistics or strategy to reduce their water consumption and, consequently, the value of their bill.

  • José Sampaio de Oliveira
  • Maria Clara Nogueira Pereira
  • Kayo Renato da Costa de Castro
  • Gustavo Pinheiro
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