Artigo - Atena Editora


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The project “TEACHER, TALK TO US!!” started in November 2021 and was developed as a Tutor Training activity (TUTs). This project consisted of recording interviews with teachers from the Department of Civil Engineering at UEM, seeking a closer relationship between academics and the Institution's faculty, since, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and emergency remote teaching classes (ERE), a barrier was created between them, which led to greater difficulty in getting along with the teachers during classes. 22 interviews were carried out, adding up to more than 2800 views and great repercussion in the Department. Each interview was divided into 4 tables with specific questions that allowed the interviewee to show a little more of his professional side, but also a little of his hobbies and leisure activities, in order to bring them closer to reality. to that of students. The Project was a great gain not only for the spectators, who were able to get to know more about their current and future teachers, but also for themselves, who were able to learn about the journey of their co-workers.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.558312301016

  • Palavras-chave: Interviews; teachers; approximation.

  • Keywords: Interviews; teachers; approximation.

  • Abstract:

    The project “TEACHER, TALK TO US!!” started in November 2021 and was developed as a Tutor Training activity (TUTs). This project consisted of recording interviews with teachers from the Department of Civil Engineering at UEM, seeking a closer relationship between academics and the Institution's faculty, since, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and emergency remote teaching classes (ERE), a barrier was created between them, which led to greater difficulty in getting along with the teachers during classes. 22 interviews were carried out, adding up to more than 2800 views and great repercussion in the Department. Each interview was divided into 4 tables with specific questions that allowed the interviewee to show a little more of his professional side, but also a little of his hobbies and leisure activities, in order to bring them closer to reality. to that of students. The Project was a great gain not only for the spectators, who were able to get to know more about their current and future teachers, but also for themselves, who were able to learn about the journey of their co-workers.

  • Maria Fernanda Ganaza
  • Maria Luiza Lippel
  • Nicole Gonçalez Cavalini
  • Flávia Gimenez Berti
  • Guilherme Henrique Rodrigues da Silva
  • Julia Noami Takano
  • Julio Akira Tanabe
  • Maria Eduarda Pereira Grella
  • Matheus Afonso Pinto de Mello
  • Saulo Bonetti Buogo
  • Vinicius Daniel Cano Pegoraro
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