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Computational thinking in education use of scratch in teaching geometry 2

The use of programming is becoming increasingly present in people's daily lives, including in schools, however, it can be taken advantage of by using it in teaching Mathematics in an exploratory way, influencing pedagogical practice positively. Official national documents such as the National Curricular Parameters (1998) and the BNCC (2018), for example, are adapting to current developments, since, respectively, they are bringing to light the importance of students' understanding of the transformations incorporated by means of computational language through computer graphics, while emphasizing the need to stimulate the development of computational thinking, dynamic software and programming language with students. In this sense, it is considered that teaching programming and developing computational thinking in the classroom can promote reflection on mathematical meanings through the resolution and/or verification of problems in teacher-student-algorithm interaction situations. With a view to contributing to the initial and continuing training of Mathematics teachers, a dialogue between practice and learning is proposed in a computational environment aimed at mobilizing mathematical knowledge. Therefore, this short course aims to present the Scratch programming language in Geometry Teaching, based on the premises of Computational Thinking, aiming at the construction of geometric figures and the calculation of area. Furthermore, the aim is to assist teachers and students in the teaching and learning process, motivating and encouraging their interest in Geometry knowledge. In view of this, it can be said that the importance of training, in terms of teachers learning about teaching programming and algorithms, in the same way that it can facilitate their implementation in the classroom, as once they know the concepts of programming logic, teachers will be able to develop activities focused on this topic with more confidence and ownership. And in this way, they will be able to put into practice the propositions brought in the BNCC (2018) about teaching programming and algorithms, enabling students to understand Geometry concepts in a different and qualified way.

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Computational thinking in education use of scratch in teaching geometry 2

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Mathematics Education. Geometry. Computational Thinking. Scratch.

  • Keywords: Mathematics Education. Geometry. Computational Thinking. Scratch.

  • Abstract: The use of programming is becoming increasingly present in people's daily lives, including in schools, however, it can be taken advantage of by using it in teaching Mathematics in an exploratory way, influencing pedagogical practice positively. Official national documents such as the National Curricular Parameters (1998) and the BNCC (2018), for example, are adapting to current developments, since, respectively, they are bringing to light the importance of students' understanding of the transformations incorporated by means of computational language through computer graphics, while emphasizing the need to stimulate the development of computational thinking, dynamic software and programming language with students. In this sense, it is considered that teaching programming and developing computational thinking in the classroom can promote reflection on mathematical meanings through the resolution and/or verification of problems in teacher-student-algorithm interaction situations. With a view to contributing to the initial and continuing training of Mathematics teachers, a dialogue between practice and learning is proposed in a computational environment aimed at mobilizing mathematical knowledge. Therefore, this short course aims to present the Scratch programming language in Geometry Teaching, based on the premises of Computational Thinking, aiming at the construction of geometric figures and the calculation of area. Furthermore, the aim is to assist teachers and students in the teaching and learning process, motivating and encouraging their interest in Geometry knowledge. In view of this, it can be said that the importance of training, in terms of teachers learning about teaching programming and algorithms, in the same way that it can facilitate their implementation in the classroom, as once they know the concepts of programming logic, teachers will be able to develop activities focused on this topic with more confidence and ownership. And in this way, they will be able to put into practice the propositions brought in the BNCC (2018) about teaching programming and algorithms, enabling students to understand Geometry concepts in a different and qualified way.

  • Gustavo Felipe Meyer Philippsen
  • Sarah Kaefer da Silva
  • Diogo Schropfer
  • Mariele Josiane Fuchs
  • Julhane Alice Thomas Schulz
  • Franciele Meinerz Forigo
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