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Pathological Manifestations in Buildings with Reinforced Concrete Walls: Case Study in The City of João Pessoa - PB


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Pathological Manifestations in Buildings with Reinforced Concrete Walls: Case Study in The City of João Pessoa - PB

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.317332305014

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: Concrete walls; Metallic molds; Pathologies; Execution errors

  • Abstract:

    This work focuses on the evaluation of the pathological manifestations presented in the constructive system of cast-in- place concrete walls with the use of steel formwork. The case study was carried out in a condominium, located in the city of João Pessoa/PB, composed of 208 housing units distributed in 13 blocks, each of them containing 16 apartments. The objective of this article is to point out the pathological manifestations reported by the users of the buildings after the completion of the construction and the possible failures in the execution stage. The development of this study consists basically of a mapping of the pathologies through the occurrence reports registered by the users who requested technical assistance, where it could be verified that, of the of all occurrences recorded by the company, around 40% of them are related to, or are from systems that interface with concrete walls. In the next step, an on-site inspection to identify the nature and origin of the pathologies and diagnose the situation found seeking a solution to the problem. It can be concluded that the adoption of alternative processes used by the construction company can reduce or even avoid pathologies interfacing with concrete walls. Other measures such as the adoption of curing processes and better maintenance of steel formwork also appear as important elements in mitigating the undesirable effects caused by inadequate execution of concrete walls.

  • Lino Maia
  • Fernanda Calado Mendonça
  • Karla Priscilla Ventura Cavalcante
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