The application of new information and communication technologies in society, science and technology in general has also reached the exploration of the subsoil, closely related to the exploration of hydrocarbons, and metallic and non-metallic mining. On the other hand, the need to know the subsoil as accurately as possible is related to the cost of the surveys and their depth, necessary for the exploration and exploitation of the subsoil.
These computer tools are also associated with the world of mining in general, since every day it is more necessary to obtain maximum information at minimum cost.
The impossibility of knowing exactly the structure and composition of the subsoil has led to the creation of new computer tools that allow us to predict the lithologies and their physical properties that we can find between two surveys.
Today, after the important development of recent decades, the computer tools industry has created companies such as Schlumberger, with commercial divisions oriented exclusively to the programming of new computer tools that allow the data obtained in a survey to be correlated so that can get more information.
This communication will briefly describe the current state of these tools, as well as their future developments. As an applied case, a new computer tool will be shown, called RECMIN.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583392319107
Palavras-chave: Computer tools, modeling, Subsoil
Keywords: Computer tools, modeling, Subsoil
The application of new information and communication technologies in society, science and technology in general has also reached the exploration of the subsoil, closely related to the exploration of hydrocarbons, and metallic and non-metallic mining. On the other hand, the need to know the subsoil as accurately as possible is related to the cost of the surveys and their depth, necessary for the exploration and exploitation of the subsoil.
These computer tools are also associated with the world of mining in general, since every day it is more necessary to obtain maximum information at minimum cost.
The impossibility of knowing exactly the structure and composition of the subsoil has led to the creation of new computer tools that allow us to predict the lithologies and their physical properties that we can find between two surveys.
Today, after the important development of recent decades, the computer tools industry has created companies such as Schlumberger, with commercial divisions oriented exclusively to the programming of new computer tools that allow the data obtained in a survey to be correlated so that can get more information.
This communication will briefly describe the current state of these tools, as well as their future developments. As an applied case, a new computer tool will be shown, called RECMIN.
- Pablo Cienfuegos-Suárez
- García-Ordiales , E
- Marqués Sierra, A.L
- Covián-Regales, E