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Community empowerment: multipliers of good - integrating Family and Community Medicine graduates and residents in a curricular extension project in Primary Care

INTRODUCTION: The Extension Curricularization was established as a guideline for all courses in the health area in 2018. In Guarujá, at a university linked to the Mais Médicos Program, the curricularization project involved medical graduates with family medicine residents and community, in an action to train community leaders to work on spreading topics related to maternal and child mortality, given the epidemiological situation in the municipality. EXPERIENCE REPORT: All undergraduates were randomly distributed into groups and sponsored by one or two residents. In total, nine meetings took place and the training took place in a conversation circle model. DISCUSSION: The community leaders who participated in the training, brought the perceived demands and helped the health teams in planning actions to minimize the problems identified. Students became aware of the importance of the university in this scenario and their role as health professionals. CONCLUSION: It is understood that the project managed to achieve the estimated objective. The graduates reflected on the role of the doctor in promoting health and preventing diseases. The integration between student and resident awakened and stimulated interest in teaching among postgraduate students.

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Community empowerment: multipliers of good - integrating Family and Community Medicine graduates and residents in a curricular extension project in Primary Care

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Medical Education; Interdisciplinary Practices; Community-Institution Relations; Child mortality; Maternal Mortality

  • Keywords: Medical Education; Interdisciplinary Practices; Community-Institution Relations; Child mortality; Maternal Mortality

  • Abstract:

    INTRODUCTION: The Extension Curricularization was established as a guideline for all courses in the health area in 2018. In Guarujá, at a university linked to the Mais Médicos Program, the curricularization project involved medical graduates with family medicine residents and community, in an action to train community leaders to work on spreading topics related to maternal and child mortality, given the epidemiological situation in the municipality. EXPERIENCE REPORT: All undergraduates were randomly distributed into groups and sponsored by one or two residents. In total, nine meetings took place and the training took place in a conversation circle model. DISCUSSION: The community leaders who participated in the training, brought the perceived demands and helped the health teams in planning actions to minimize the problems identified. Students became aware of the importance of the university in this scenario and their role as health professionals. CONCLUSION: It is understood that the project managed to achieve the estimated objective. The graduates reflected on the role of the doctor in promoting health and preventing diseases. The integration between student and resident awakened and stimulated interest in teaching among postgraduate students.

  • Aline Cacozzi
  • Priscila Alvarenga Beleigoli
  • Angela Cafasso dos Reis Neto
  • Bruno César Bueno
  • Marina Guim
  • Ronald Sérgio Pallotta Filho
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