Análisis de Instrumentos sobre Percepción de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria
Análisis de Instrumentos sobre Percepción de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria
Palavras-chave: Instrumentos Medición Responsabilidad Social Universitaria
Keywords: Instruments Measurement University Social Responsibility
Abstract: A topic of great relevance nowadays is the USR in the world and especially in Latin America, being its treatment imperative. USR as a holistic vision proposes a connection and articulation of the different actors of university organizations. The Peruvian university law is considered the first in Latin America which considers that USR is mandatory and for them it is considered as management of their impacts. The relationship between approaches or perspectives lies in the fact that the transformational perspective establishes the main guidelines of socially responsible behavior for university activities (the what), while the managerial and normative perspectives establish the forms that will express such behavior (the how), the guiding principles of social responsibility at a conceptual level are transparency and participation. It can be observed that there are a great infinity of instruments that serve to mediate the USR in different clients as internal (teachers, students, administrative, and authorities) external (interest groups, suppliers and etc.) We find instruments that have an origin in organizations of universities as URSULA (union of Latin American university social responsibility) OMERSUR (Mexican Observatory of university social responsibility) AUSJAL (association of university entrusted to the company of Jesus in Latin America) and in bibliography based on authors that comes working USR.
- Edwin Jhon Huaroc Ponce
- Christian Efrain Raqui Ramirez
- Ralph Sandy Jurado Taipe
- Nilton Marx Huaroc Ponce
- Julie Marilú Salazar Musayón
- Luis Alberto Baltazar Castañeda
- Héctor Epifanio Basilio Marcelo
- Vicente Rolando Baltazar Borja
- Edith Karina Valero Misari
- Zoila Verónica Zevallos Gallardo