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Analysis of Subsynchronous Resonance via Torsional Interactions in Electromechanical Systems through Different Fault Points

This article investigates the occurrence of Subsynchronous Resonance (RSS) in power systems composed of a turbine-generator set and electrical network with the presence of series compensation in an alternative way, through different fault points. The set is represented in the form of state space to allow modal analysis and obtain the natural oscillation frequencies of the system. The study proposal aims to analyze the influence of the location of the fault and the impact of this premise on the accentuation of existing torsional interactions during the occurrence of RSS. The simulations were carried out in the PSCAD/EMTDC environment, applying three-phase faults at different points of the equivalent system. There is an occurrence of energy exchange related to the occurrence of Subsynchronous Resonance via Torsional Interactions, for the fault scenarios analyzed.

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Analysis of Subsynchronous Resonance via Torsional Interactions in Electromechanical Systems through Different Fault Points

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173352319105

  • Palavras-chave: Subsynchronous Resonance ; Torsional Interactions; Series Compensation; Mohave.

  • Keywords: Subsynchronous Resonance ; Torsional Interactions; Series Compensation; Mohave.

  • Abstract:

    This article investigates the occurrence of Subsynchronous Resonance (RSS) in power systems composed of a turbine-generator set and electrical network with the presence of series compensation in an alternative way, through different fault points. The set is represented in the form of state space to allow modal analysis and obtain the natural oscillation frequencies of the system. The study proposal aims to analyze the influence of the location of the fault and the impact of this premise on the accentuation of existing torsional interactions during the occurrence of RSS. The simulations were carried out in the PSCAD/EMTDC environment, applying three-phase faults at different points of the equivalent system. There is an occurrence of energy exchange related to the occurrence of Subsynchronous Resonance via Torsional Interactions, for the fault scenarios analyzed.

  • Carlos Henrique dos Santos de Mello Junior
  • Carlos H. S. M. Junior
  • João A. Moor Neto
  • Gustavo K. Dill
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