Among the proposals for the creation of geoparks in Brazil is the “Geoparque Sertão Monumental”, relating to the Quixadá and Quixeramobim inselberg field, located in the Sertões Cearenses mesoregion. Given the expressiveness of the elements present there, as well as the potential for sustainable use, in 2019 the ``Geoparque Sertão Monumental`` proposal was published by CPRM. At that time, 16 Geosites and 4 Geodiversity Sites were identified, due to the scientific and cultural importance of geological, geomorphological formations and associated functional, historical and cultural values. In this work, we propose the incorporation of two new geosites into the initial survey of the geopark proposal – these are the “Cabeça do Gigante” and “Gruta da Igreja” geosites. These geosites were identified in previous work and here we reinforce the indication with new analyses. The selection of these sites considered exceptionality, especially with regard to the unique geomorphological features in granite rocks and their appropriation by biological and human agents.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583412303113
Palavras-chave: ``Geoparque Sertão Monumental``; Inselbergs; Quixadá; Quixeramobim; Sertão do Ceará.
Keywords: ``Geoparque Sertão Monumental``; Inselbergs; Quixadá; Quixeramobim; Sertão do Ceará.
Among the proposals for the creation of geoparks in Brazil is the “Geoparque Sertão Monumental”, relating to the Quixadá and Quixeramobim inselberg field, located in the Sertões Cearenses mesoregion. Given the expressiveness of the elements present there, as well as the potential for sustainable use, in 2019 the ``Geoparque Sertão Monumental`` proposal was published by CPRM. At that time, 16 Geosites and 4 Geodiversity Sites were identified, due to the scientific and cultural importance of geological, geomorphological formations and associated functional, historical and cultural values. In this work, we propose the incorporation of two new geosites into the initial survey of the geopark proposal – these are the “Cabeça do Gigante” and “Gruta da Igreja” geosites. These geosites were identified in previous work and here we reinforce the indication with new analyses. The selection of these sites considered exceptionality, especially with regard to the unique geomorphological features in granite rocks and their appropriation by biological and human agents.
- Vanda Claudino-Sales
- João Luís Sampaio Olímpio
- Francisca Lusimara Sousa Lopes
- Alexandre Pinheiro de Alcântara