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Educational policy as a State tool: an analysis of the BNCC from the perspective of the Althusserian theory of the school as an ideological apparatus

The research has intended to study the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), having as a category of analysis the theory of school as an ideological state apparatuses, from Louis Althusser and, as central objective, intend to comprehend the process if domination e maintenance of class in the brazilian contemporary society taking as a start the legal investigation connected to the social theories of education.

For such, we took the following objectives: comprehend the althusserian theory of ideological state apparatuses; analise the BNCC since its creation and approval, all the way to its characteristics and fragilities; establish the relation between the althusserian theory and the BNCC.

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Educational policy as a State tool: an analysis of the BNCC from the perspective of the Althusserian theory of the school as an ideological apparatus

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.558342313011

  • Palavras-chave: Education, Althusser, Ideological Apparatuses

  • Keywords: Education, Althusser, Ideological Apparatuses

  • Abstract:

    The research has intended to study the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), having as a category of analysis the theory of school as an ideological state apparatuses, from Louis Althusser and, as central objective, intend to comprehend the process if domination e maintenance of class in the brazilian contemporary society taking as a start the legal investigation connected to the social theories of education.

    For such, we took the following objectives: comprehend the althusserian theory of ideological state apparatuses; analise the BNCC since its creation and approval, all the way to its characteristics and fragilities; establish the relation between the althusserian theory and the BNCC.

  • Ivan Campos Claudino
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