Revista - International Journal of Health Science v.2/n.65 (ISSN 2764-0159)Atena Editora

Revista - Edição

Ciências da saúde


International Journal of Health Science v.2/n.65 (ISSN 2764-0159)

The Journal has Impact Factor Value of 0.522 based on International Citation Report (ICR) for the year 2021-2022. The URL for journal on our server is

International Journal of Health Science is a bimonthly periodical edited by Atena Editora, being an important vehicle for the dissemination of scientific works arising from relevant research in the health area.

Manuscripts are accepted in: Portuguese, Spanish and English. Articles submitted in Portuguese will be translated into English and published in that language. For articles submitted in Spanish and English, there will be no translation needed.

Respecting international standards of good publishing practices, Atena Editora receives the following manuscripts for peer review and subsequent publication:

- Analyzes and research results on a specific topic considered relevant to health;

- Discussion articles and analysis of the state of the art in the area and sub-areas;

- Articles on clinical, epidemiological, education or administration of health services;

- Opinion articles that contribute to the development of the health area;

- Original research articles;

- Review articles;

- Letter to the editor;

- Debates;

- Experimental and applied research in health sciences;

- Clinical case reports;

- Reviews.

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International Journal of Health Science v.2/n.65 (ISSN 2764-0159)

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.0159265222610

  • ISBN: ISSN 2764-0159

  • Palavras-chave: Ciências da saúde

  • Ano: 2022

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