Visão, conhecimento e vulnerabilidade dos adolescentes frente ao hiv/aids: identificando estratégias preventivas
A infecção proveniente do Vírus da
Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) tem acometido
cada vez mais a população do Brasil e do mundo,
tornando-se um grave e importante problema
de saúde pública por seu caráter pandêmico e
sua alta gravidade. Objetiva-se com este estudo
realizar um levantamento na literatura acerca
da visão, conhecimentos e vulnerabilidades
dos adolescentes frente ao HIV, bem como,
identificar quais estratégias de educação em
saúde podem ser utilizadas para orientá-los
quanto à importância do uso do preservativo
como método de prevenção durante as relações
sexuais. Trata-se de uma revisão da literatura,
de caráter descritivo e abordagem qualitativa,
realizada no período de abril a maio de 2016,
através de pesquisas realizadas na biblioteca
virtual de saúde, utilizando-se as seguintes
bases de dados: LILACS e MADLINE. A amostra
constituiu-se de quinze artigos, dos quais seis
se enquadraram ao objetivo da pesquisa. A
análise das produções bibliográficas nacionais
encontradas acerca da temática possibilitou a
elaboração de duas principais categorias: 1)
Visão e conhecimento dos adolescentes frente
ao HIV/AIDS e; 2) Vulnerabilidades e possíveis
práticas educativas voltadas para o público
adolescente. Diante do exposto, conclui-se
que apesar dos adolescentes possuírem algum
conhecimento sobre a importância do uso
do preservativo como método de prevenção
contra as IST/HIV/AIDS, ainda é necessário o
planejamento e a implementação de estratégias
voltadas para a conscientização efetiva e permanente deste público, visando reduzir a
exposição a comportamentos e situações de risco.
Visão, conhecimento e vulnerabilidade dos adolescentes frente ao hiv/aids: identificando estratégias preventivas
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.38119150230
Palavras-chave: Adolescente; Conhecimento; HIV.
Keywords: Infection from the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has increasingly affected the population of Brazil and the world, becoming a serious and important public health problem because of its pandemic character and its high severity. The objective of this study is to carry out a survey in the literature about adolescents’ vision, knowledge and vulnerability to HIV, as well as to identify which health education strategies can be used to guide them regarding the importance of using condoms as a method during sex. This is a review of the literature, with a descriptive character and a qualitative approach, carried out from April to May 2016, through research carried out in the virtual health library, using the following databases: LILACS and MADLINE. The sample consisted of fifteen articles, of which six were in line with the research objective. The analysis of the national bibliographic productions found on the subject allowed the elaboration of two main categories: 1) Vision and knowledge of adolescents in the face of HIV / AIDS and; 2) Vulnerabilities and possible educational practices aimed at the adolescent public. In view of the above, it is concluded that although adolescents have some knowledge about the importance of condom use as a method of prevention against STI / HIV / AIDS, it is still necessary to plan and implement strategies aimed at effective and permanent awareness aimed at reducing exposure to risk behaviors and situations.
Infection from the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has increasingly
affected the population of Brazil and the world, becoming a serious and important public
health problem because of its pandemic character and its high severity. The objective of
this study is to carry out a survey in the literature about adolescents’ vision, knowledge
and vulnerability to HIV, as well as to identify which health education strategies can be
used to guide them regarding the importance of using condoms as a method during sex.
This is a review of the literature, with a descriptive character and a qualitative approach,
carried out from April to May 2016, through research carried out in the virtual health
library, using the following databases: LILACS and MADLINE. The sample consisted of
fifteen articles, of which six were in line with the research objective. The analysis of the
national bibliographic productions found on the subject allowed the elaboration of two
main categories: 1) Vision and knowledge of adolescents in the face of HIV / AIDS and;
2) Vulnerabilities and possible educational practices aimed at the adolescent public.
In view of the above, it is concluded that although adolescents have some knowledge
about the importance of condom use as a method of prevention against STI / HIV
/ AIDS, it is still necessary to plan and implement strategies aimed at effective and
permanent awareness aimed at reducing exposure to risk behaviors and situations.
Número de páginas: 15
- Heloane Medeiros do Nascimento
- Amanda Haissa Barros Henriques
- Érica Dionísia de Lacerda
- Hortência Héllen de Azevedo Medeiros
- Marcela Lourene Correia Muniz
- Suzana Santos da Costa