Palavras-chave: Dengue; Sorologia; Testes Sorológicos; Vacinas contra Dengue.
Keywords: Dengue; Serology; Serologic Tests; Dengue Vaccine
Abstract: Dengue, an arbovirus transmitted by Aedes aegypti and caused by the dengue virus (DENV), is annually responsible for millions of infections worldwide, justifying the urgent need for more effective prevention measures. This study aims to demonstrate the safety of a vaccine against the four serotypes of dengue - the Dengvaxia® vaccine, analyze the applicability of the rapid test in detecting dengue seropositives, and present epidemiological aspects related to vaccine adherence during the dengue vaccination campaign in the State of Paraná, Brazil. This is a prospective cohort study, with the study population being employees and students of the State University of Londrina (UEL) and the University Hospital of Londrina (HU), aged between 18 and 27 years, who received the Dengvaxia® vaccine during the Dengue Vaccination Campaign between 2016 and 2018, promoted by the State Department of Health of Paraná (SESA). Blood samples were collected from 296 individuals prior to the first dose of the vaccine, which were subjected to rapid testing for IgG and IgM anti-Dengue antibodies (Bioline™ Dengue DUO - Abbott®). After 30 days of each Dengvaxia® dose, a telephone call was made to all participants to inquire about possible adverse events associated with vaccination. Other information about the cohort, such as previous dengue before vaccination and the dates of Dengvaxia® doses administered during the campaign, was obtained from the following databases: Gerenciador de Ambiente Laboratorial do Paraná (GAL), Medview (HU), SaúdeWeb (Municipality of Londrina) and an application program called “Aplicativo de Controle de Vacinação da Dengue do Governo do Paraná” Version 0.0.13. The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee Involving Human Subjects of UEL in 2016. A total of 1815 adults were included in the study, who received the first dose of the vaccine. The majority were female (58.3%), white (66.2%), with a family income between 4 and 6 minimum wages (31%), without comorbidities (91.7%), and denied having had dengue previously (91.4%); 1010 (55.6%) participants received the 2nd dose, and 498 (27.4%) received the 3rd dose of the vaccine. None of the participants experienced any severe reactions to the vaccine doses. Regarding the 296 samples tested for dengue antibodies, 1.5% tested positive. There was poor agreement between the test result and the history of previous dengue, as 6.5% of patients with a negative test reported having had dengue before. As stared, it is concluded that the Dengvaxia® vaccine has shown short-term safety, being another option in dengue prevention, and that the rapid test is not suitable for assessing previous dengue immunity.
- Gabriela Valente Rabelo Watanabe
- Danielle Ruiz Miyazawa Ferreira
- Lucas Gabriel Capelari
- Ivana Teixeira Motta
- Jaqueline Dario Capobiango