Uso do Tacrolimus no tratamento das doenças alérgicas graves da conjuntiva: Uma Revisão de Literatura
Uso do Tacrolimus no tratamento das doenças alérgicas graves da conjuntiva: Uma Revisão de Literatura
Palavras-chave: Tacrolimus; Ceratoconjuntivite alérgica; tratamento
Keywords: Tacrolimus; Allergic Keratoconjunctivitis; Treatment
Abstract: Atopic keratoconjunctivitis (AKC) and vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) are allergic diseases of theconjunctiva and usually have a severe and chronic courserequiring associated treatment beyond the first line for these pathologies that are antiallergic agents and steroids, since corticosteroids cannot be used in the long term dueto adverse reactions. Tacrolimus appears then as a viabletherapy for these pathologies. The study aimed to reviewthe drug Tacrolimus in clinical practice. An integrativeliterature review was carried out where the temporal cut ofthe articles was from 2007 to 2022, available in thePubMed, VHL and DOAJ databases. A total of 164 articles were filteres, and after applying the inclusion andexclusion criteria, only 10 relevant studies were identifiedfor this review. After analyzing the articles and theirsamples, it was found that the patients had como characteristics, such as the Tacrolimus medication used(variation only in the dosage used), some irritativesymptoms, such as hyperemia, itching, tearing, photophobia and others, with clinical improvement in allstudies. Thus, it was concluded that Tacrolimus is anexcellent therapeutic alternative, obtaining clinicalimprovement of symptoms in most patients.
- Henrique Amin Fiorelli
- Gabriel Amin Fiorelli
- Stênio Karlos Alvim Fiorelli