Artigo - Atena Editora


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O artigo teve como objetivo o ensino

de cinética química através de experimentos

problematizados, baseado no modelo teórico

da aprendizagem significativa. O trabalho

consistiu na aplicação de experimentos, todos

acerca do conteúdo de cinética, com ênfase

nos fatores que afetam a velocidade da reação,

como temperatura, superfície de contato e

concentração dos reagentes. A princípio os

alunos foram levados para o laboratório, para

a realização de experimentos em grupos,

é válido ressaltar que os alunos ainda não

tinham tido contato algum com o conteúdo

de cinética química. Os alunos teriam que

formular hipótese para cada reação ocorrida

no experimento, posterior a isso os alunos

teriam uma aula sobre o conteúdo e após

toda a explicação do conteúdo os alunos iriam

novamente para o laboratório para refazer o

experimento e gravar um vídeo explicando de

forma microscópica as reações observadas. O

uso da problematização dos experimentos, e de

exemplos de situações do cotidiano dos alunos,

despertou o interesse dos estudantes pelo

conteúdo de cinética. Os mesmos conseguiram

relacionar seus conhecimentos pré-existentes

com os conceitos científicos envolvidos, levando

a uma reorganização destes e adquirindo

novos significados, ou seja, uma aprendizagem

significativa. A presente oficina mostrou-se uma

importante ferramenta de ensino, tornando o

ensino de cinética química mais desafiador

e reflexivo, permitindo o desenvolvimento

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.90619260421

  • Palavras-chave: Conhecimento Prévio, Cinética Química, ensino de química.

  • Keywords: The article aimed to teach chemical kinetics through problematized experiments, based on the theoretical model of meaningful learning. The work consisted of the application of experiments, all about the kinetic content, with emphasis on the factors that affect the speed of the reaction, such as temperature, contact surface and concentration of the reactants. At first the students were taken to the laboratory, for the accomplishment of experiments in groups, it is valid to emphasize that the students still had not had some contact with the content of chemical kinetics. The students would have to formulate a O Ensino de Química 2 Capítulo 21 238 hypothesis for each reaction occurred in the experiment, after that the students would have a lesson on the content and after all the explanation of the content the students would go back to the laboratory to redo the experiment and record a video explaining in a microscopic way the reactions observed. The use of the problematization of the experiments, and examples of situations of the students ‘daily life, aroused students’ interest in the kinetic content. They were able to relate their pre-existing knowledge with the scientific concepts involved, leading to a reorganization of these and acquiring new meanings, meaning meaningful learning. The present workshop has proved to be an important teaching tool, making the teaching of chemical kinetics more challenging and reflexive, allowing the student’s critical thinking to develop.

  • Abstract:

    The article aimed to teach chemical

    kinetics through problematized experiments,

    based on the theoretical model of meaningful

    learning. The work consisted of the application

    of experiments, all about the kinetic content, with

    emphasis on the factors that affect the speed

    of the reaction, such as temperature, contact

    surface and concentration of the reactants. At first

    the students were taken to the laboratory, for the

    accomplishment of experiments in groups, it is

    valid to emphasize that the students still had not

    had some contact with the content of chemical

    kinetics. The students would have to formulate a

    hypothesis for each reaction occurred in the experiment, after that the students would

    have a lesson on the content and after all the explanation of the content the students

    would go back to the laboratory to redo the experiment and record a video explaining

    in a microscopic way the reactions observed. The use of the problematization of the

    experiments, and examples of situations of the students ‘daily life, aroused students’

    interest in the kinetic content. They were able to relate their pre-existing knowledge

    with the scientific concepts involved, leading to a reorganization of these and acquiring

    new meanings, meaning meaningful learning. The present workshop has proved to be

    an important teaching tool, making the teaching of chemical kinetics more challenging

    and reflexive, allowing the student’s critical thinking to develop.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Ailnete Mário do Nascimento
  • Joicemara de Queiroz Souza
  • Ailnete Mário doNascimento Nete Nascimento
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