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Use of Concept Maps as a strategy for Teaching-Learning and Assessment Tool in Geography Lessons


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Use of Concept Maps as a strategy for Teaching-Learning and Assessment Tool in Geography Lessons

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.80119110720

  • Palavras-chave: Atena

  • Keywords: conceptual modeling, teachinglearning, learning strategy

  • Abstract:

    This article seeks to reflect on the

    teaching and practice of the use of conceptual

    modeling that can assist the teaching-learning

    process of students in the classes of Geography

    in schools of the educational system of the State

    of Piauí (Brazil). This research was developed

    with Geography teachers in a training course

    for teachers for the use of Geotechnologies

    and Tools of Web interaction within the Federal

    Institute of Education, Science and Technology

    of Piauí (Brazil). As found by the analysis of

    data collected in this investigation, teachers

    agree that conceptual modeling contributes to

    the organization of the geographic knowledge

    of students. And yet it was evident the use

    of concept maps as a teaching and learning

    strategy, as well as an evaluation tool for student

    performance. Finally, the use of concept maps

    in teaching Geography brings up the idea of the

    development and exercise of autonomy by the

    students, since self-study is one of the essential

    factors for meaningful learning of spatial content

    in classroom.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Francisco Willians Makoto Plácido Hirano
  • Tatiana de Sousa Araújo
  • Gustavo de Castro Nery
  • Márcio Aurélio Carvalho de Morais
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