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Una arquitectura integrada de tecnologías digitales para la educación en línea


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Una arquitectura integrada de tecnologías digitales para la educación en línea

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.87419081026

  • Palavras-chave: Atena

  • Keywords: architecture for virtual learning environments, open source software, platforms for online education

  • Abstract:

    In an integrated model of online education (e-learning) all integrating

    subsystems, grouped in nouns and adjectives, must be harmonized. Among the

    nouns, the educational model, the educational contents, the academic capital and

    the technological platform in which the creation, storage, distribution, monitoring and

    evaluation of the educational contents take place, stand out.

    Creating a repository of electronic files with articles, notes or books, or a collection of

    presentations, and even a learning management system (LMS), are not in isolation an

    effective platform for online education. Currently available technologies allow creating

    a virtual learning environment (VLE) that enhances the attractiveness, understanding

    and retention of learning objects, aligned with the educational model and deployment

    strategies established by the educational institution.

    The creation of a technological platform for online education requires an adequate system

    architecture, software products that are integrated technologically and pedagogically,

    and that are supported for operation, continuity of operation, maintenance and updating,

    such as it is done with corporate information systems.

    This paper proposes a systems architecture and a production environment for an

    VLE, using mainly open source software that, through an adequate construction and

    deployment, and with the fulfillment of the international standards of data quality and

    service delivery. it is a flexible and robust platform for online education.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Gerardo Quiroz Vieyra
  • Luis Fernando Muñoz González
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