Um panorama da abordagem biofílica na construção civil brasileira
Um panorama da abordagem biofílica na construção civil brasileira
Palavras-chave: biofilia; construção civil; sustentabilidade
Keywords: biophilia; civil construction; sustainability
Abstract: Biophilia is an approach that, when applied to the civil construction, has the potential to enhance human well-being and is associated with sustainable practices, such as the valorizations of natural elements and the preservation of biodiversity. These practices are increasingly relevant, considering the significant consumption of natural resources resulting from activities in the construction industry. In this context, it is essential for the scientific community to contribute with studies on the adoption of biophilia in the built environment, encouraging sustainable and resilient construction practices. This study aimed to investigate the landscape of Brazilian publications that have discussed the adoption of biophilia in the civil construction, as well as the overview of publications that have investigated biophilia in construction considering aspects of sustainability, and to reveal the biophilic strategies that have been valued in this context. The study methodology involved a systematic literature review, covering journal articles, conference proceedings, and book chapters published since 2010 in Portuguese. The search returned 32 selected articles. The results showed that the majority of the papers (62.50%) addressed sustainability in their research and that there has been a considerable increase in research on the topic in recent years. The presence of vegetation in buildings was the most mentioned biophilic strategy, present in 28 publications, followed by the use of natural materials. It was identified that the biophilic approach in the civil construction represents an alternative with the potential to provide solutions for contemporary challenges, especially in residential buildings, which were the most researched typology in the selected publications.
- Paula Scherer